Saturday, February 28, 2015


A lot of old order Mennonite and Amish live in our area. So quite a few stores have hitching posts. Such was the case when we visited a large Farmer's Market last fall. It was raining and this horse was drenched. He was waiting on his Master, who was inside shopping.

“Are you the one who gave the horse his prowess and adorned him with a shimmering mane? Did you create him to prance proudly and strike terror with his royal snorts? He paws the ground fiercely, eager and spirited, then charges into the fray.”

Job 39


Nancy Chan said...

Hi Ginny, that's a nice post. And I like the verse for the post.

Linda said...

Awwww....what a beautiful horse. I love the reflections in your photos, Ginny. :)

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Nice one... :)

Ann said...

aw poor horse, he needs an umbrella :)
I like the refelction of the wheels in the puddle

MadSnapper n Beau said...

poor wet horse, so patient. of course i know they live outside rain or shine but still makes me go poor horse. love the pics, all of them. i think my favorite is the next to last with the reflection in the puddle of the left rear wheel.... the verse is perfect..

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Ginny. These are pretty photos and show me a glimpse of life in your part of the country. God bless your Sunday.

Karen said...

I used to see these often in Indiana. I loved to eat at an Amish restaurant there! Have a wonderful Sunday.

EG CameraGirl said...

Amish buggies are wonderfully photogenic, I think!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Poor horse. You got great shots.I'm thinking you may have gotten some rain on you as well,or did you have a personal assistant to hold an umbrella? :)

Patsy said...

I guess they don't mine the rain.
We see them standing in the fields here in all kinds of weather.

Tamago said...

Love the reflection of wheels on the water. Such beautiful photos!
I feel like I want to give the horse an umbrella... :-)

DawnTreader said...

Must be such a contrast to modern society. Here we'd only see that (perhaps) in connection with special events like perhaps a market arranged by some local history society.

Filip and Kristel said...

Feel a bit sorry for the horse and I also don't like heavy rain.


DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photos Ginny! That horse does look mightily wet and I feel for him also, but he looks well taken care of. Happy Sunday to you :)

Lady Jane said...

Love your post! We visited Amish country a few years ago and it was wonderful to see how the Amish live.

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, How precious he looks waiting patiently. My heart goes out to him.
Have a beautiful Sunday.
xo Catherine

Rose said...

I don't know why, but the Amish fascinates me. So I enjoy any and all photos. There are several families in the county next to us. Then there is Arthur, Illinois and there are a lot there. I don't get over there as often as I used to, but still love to go there.

Anonymous said...

amazing the horse just stands there,

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I have always been so fascinated by the Amish. We don't have any (or many) down in our area I don't think. BUT--their lifestyles and love of family and God should be something all of us could learn from ...

Poor horsie --but he's probably used to the rain...


Marie said...

I would want to grab a towel and dry him off. :) Pretty horse. The Amish are fascinating.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love visiting the Amish community that isn't far from here. They are so nice when you stop by their houses to buy the things they advertise. Love their baked goods! I love your shot of the horse and buggy!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Poor horse. I pity him standing there in the cold and rain. Beautiful pictures, though.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well, he got himself a nice bath while he waited.

photowannabe said...

Great pictures of the horse and buggy. He's very patience standing there in the rain. Nice reflection pictures too.
To answer your question about the flower name.
Shammy said it was Scabiosis.
She's correct. I couldn't for the life of me remember that name. My folks used to have them in their yard all the time.

Lux G. said...

Great shots you've got here. And that verse always gets me. How powerful and amazing is our God. :)

Have a blessed week ahead!

Lux G. said...

Great shots you've got here. And that verse always gets me. How powerful and amazing is our God. :)

Have a blessed week ahead!

LV said...

I have always wanted to visit the Amish part of the world, but never have gotten to. They are very talented people.

Anonymous said...

Are the horses ever blanketed in rainy weather when they are left standing?

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...