Thursday, March 1, 2018

Playing Possum

Well, who do we have here? It is the lady from the Wildlife Center, showing off  their opossum! We got to see him up close.

They will not release him back into the wild, because he has only one eye. So he is their educational animal.

He politely ate a bit of dinner.

After his snack, it was time for a yawn and a nap. MY, what 50 sharp teeth you have. But really, possums are very gentle. They prefer to be left alone and not fight. Maybe because their life span is only 2 to 4 years.  When faced with violence, they pretend to be dead.

“A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.”

Proverbs 15


Ruth Hiebert said...

He has an interesting face. The nose looks almost hog like.There is a cuteness about him though.

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, their teeth! Beautiful, aren't they? They are certainly equipped to defend themselves. We have many possums and opossums on our land and I love each one. Lovingly~ Andrea xxx

Nancy Chan said...

Such a short life span for this cute animal! I thought it was a baby hog!

Ann said...

That is a pretty intimidating looking yawn for a gentle creature :) I see a lot of these and sadly too many of them are dead on the side of the road

Hootin Anni said...

We have 'em in our yard once in a while. Such a short life span ... I did not know that.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness they do have some sharp teeth in there mouth.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so precious, we have a lot of them here, and never bother them. they are no problem. raccoons are another thing though. this little guys id adorable.

Lady Jane said...

Whoa that mouth sure don't look gentile. I didn't know they didn't live long. Great pics. hugs, lj

Tamago said...

Awww what a cute possum! He looks quite comfy in the lady's arms :-)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW! He is so cute Ginny. Hope you have a wonderful weekend

Christine said...

What a treat to see a possum up close! They do have a scary set of teeth!
Great to learn more about them!
Happy weekend!

Karen said...

I have only seen them in the wild. He makes a good pet and science exibit!

Sunday Sunset