Friday, August 3, 2018

Little Pink Houses For You & Me

There are a lot of pink houses around here, many more than just these pictures. Would you live in a pink house, or paint your house pink?

This one doesn't have enough windows.

This one has a nice wrap around porch.

For some reason, this one is a bit frightening to me. What do you think?

This is the house I would choose. No porch, but all on one floor.

The next two are pretty.

And of course, a pink storage shed!

“And where there’s Right, there’ll be Peace and the progeny of Right: quiet lives and endless trust. My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood— in safe houses, in quiet gardens.”

Isaiah 32


Reanaclaire said...

I would like a pinkie house! It looks sweet and feminine! Nice..

crafty cat corner said...

I think I could be quite content in a pink house, although a bungalow would suit better, no stairs, lol

Nancy Chan said...

I wouldn't mind painting my house pink but maybe not my hubby! Lol! I prefer a single storey house without any stairs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

number 2, 3, 5 and 6 I would live in if I bought it and it was that color, but I would not buy pink paint and paint what I live in... the ones I mentioned I really like. here we have a lot of the orange beige colors. my favorite is the one above the tiny shed and I like both of them

Ann said...

The second one and the one before the shed, I like the house but not in pink. I remember a pink house in the neighborhood where I grew up. I always wondered why someone would want to paint their house pink.

Hootin Anni said...

I LIKE 'EM ALL. But, I agree the one doesn't have eniugh windows.

Linda said...

M House was a pinkish one once. Before that it was blue. I like the browns better!

Karen said...

YES! I would love a pale pink cottage with a porch and a picket fence.

Chatty Crone said...

I like the one level pink one like you and yes I might live in a pink house if my hubs would allow it which I doubt. You?

Ruth Hiebert said...

I really do like the color pink, but for a house??? not so much.A small shed or playhouse, maybe. These houses look good, though.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pink has never been a favorite color of mine. HOWEVER, we have some beautiful PINK Roses (more than any other color)... A pink house???? Probably not...


Tamago said...

I don’t think I would pick pink for my house, but I do love seeing pink houses :-) They are very pretty!

Carla from The River said...

Nope .. I would not paint my house pink. I have seen some cute pink houses. We have a pink church in the town that is to the West of us.

Sandi said...

"My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood— in safe houses, in quiet gardens.”
Isaiah 32

I LOVE this verse!

Also love the pink houses. My grandma painted hers pink. I have a picture of it on this post:

DawnTreader said...

Probably wouldn't paint my house pink, no. I think it depends on the surroundings what colours fit in or not, though.

DeniseinVA said...

My other self says yes, I would love to live in a pink house. These are very pretty. This self says probably not and I wouldn’t get that idea through to the hubs anyway, or our HOA. I can just see that letter being written. We had one in the Spring for having a green mold coming on the end of the house that doesn’t get the sun. Winter’s gift! We had already called a power wash man but the HOA beat us to it as we were gone for the whole month in May. They don’t hang around :)

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