Monday, September 3, 2018

Dead End

The 1st of September was the beginning of meteorological fall. Yes, it is still roasting hot here, but for all intents and purposes, summer is gone. The flowers are dying and the sun is setting earlier every night. See what I mean?

But summer had one last shout when we went to a wedding on Saturday. The theme was sunflowers. And for just awhile, they thrived in a room full of love, family, and friends. No one took pictures during the ceremony, but I did get some shots before anyone was there.

“… soon, too soon, the leaves
Will fall like tears above the Summer's grave,
The lingering birds will sing their parting lay,
And o'er this brightness withering to decay.”
~Albert Laighton


Ann said...

It's sad to see things withering away as summer ends. I'm very ready for cooler temperatures though.
Sunflowers are one of my favorites. They had a pretty setup for the wedding

Karen said...

I love the sunflower theme!

George said...

If autumn brings cooler weather I'm ready for summer to hit a dead end!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like having the sunflower theme for the wedding.. even here where we don't have fall, the days get shorter, the green is green but not as green and some of the trees and flowers die, not all but some... enough we notice.

Chatty Crone said...

I am ready for some cooler weather Ginny. But I hate to see those beauties wilt. I like sunflowers for a wedding - bright and cheerful!

DawnTreader said...

About the same here. September is officially the beginning of Autumn but we're still having rather summery weather. The grass is coming back (after some rain in August), but the flowers are beginning to give up :)

Tamago said...

Seeing sunflowers looking down is little sad. But I bet they enjoyed nice summer :-) I love the decoration at the wedding!

photowannabe said...

I really like the simplicity of the wedding decor.
Sunflowers always make me happy.
Our weather is turning too. The afternoons are hot still with the thermometer pushing 90F. but the evenings are cooling and the AC isn't coming on..My checkbook is very grateful.
It makes me sad to have it getting darker earlier. I so love the twilight.
I do hope we get some pretty sunsets soon...The smoke from the latest fires in the foothills just make for a beige sky.
Have a great week Ginny.

photowannabe said...

Ginny, I think the flowers are in the Daliha family sp?? or maybe a spider chrysamthum. spelling is horrible today.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sunflowers would make lovely decorations for a weddings your pictures show.

Unknown said...

What a pretty and cheerful wedding decor! I love fall, I'm not sad to see the heat go :)

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful .. I do enjoy smiling sunflowers. :-)

Inger said...

I love those sunflowers and what a lovely theme for a wedding. I know you had a great time.

Shug said...

Sunflowers are one of my very favorite flowers. I'm guessing this wedding was very pretty. Thanks for adding Mylee to your reading list. She was so excited....

Linda said...

You had me at the mention of sunflowers!!!! Love it!!!

Nancy Chan said...

I love sunflowers and I think it is a great theme for a wedding! Have a beautiful day!

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...