Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence is coming in a couple days, and we are right in the path. Our state and several surrounding ones have already been declared a disaster. I will continue to visit and comment for another day or so,  but this will be my last post before the storm hits. I will be unplugging my computer before the weekend. Widespread damage is expected. I will post and let you know as soon as I am able. In the meantime, here are some of my favorite rainy day pictures!

"We can't control the storm, but we can choose where we fix our eyes."


Nancy Chan said...

Very nice header, Ginny! What a big cluster of mushrooms! At this time, let us fix our eyes on our Protector and Shield. Will remember you in my prayers.

Ann Thompson said...

Will be thinking of you. Stay safe.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh Ginny, pray that all will be well and safe from the hurricane..

From the Kitchen said...

Praying for your safety!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for all of you going up. can you update us on your phone on FB. I did that during Irma. just post we are ok or something short. love that last photo.. stay safe and we will be waiting to hear from you.

Jeanne said...

Oh Ginny, I've been thinking about you and other friends on the coast. I'll be praying for you and your family. We went through Hurricane Harvey last year and had 64" of rain here. (Didn't think this was possible!) We didn't have water in our home but many friends did. Be safe!

Unknown said...

It shifted! Maybe you will not be impacted as much, Lord willing!

Karen said...

As wide and strong as it is right now, I imagine it will affect many states before it is over. Praying you will be safe.

LV said...

It does sound bad according to the news. Trust you and family will be safe. Go find a safer area.

Lois said...

I hope it doesn't get too bad where you are Ginny. It looks like a scary storm!

Tamago said...

This sounds really bad Hurricane. Please stay safe, and I hope to hear from you soon xo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ginny,I pray that you will be kept safe.e Please do update when you can.

Shug said...

Ginny....prayers for your family. Our grandson's base is in the Carolinas and I've been keeping up with the directions they are mapping out for Florence. Stay safe.....keep us updated.

Chatty Crone said...


Love this quote:
"We can't control the storm, but we can choose where we fix our eyes."

DeniseinVA said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers Ginny. Take good care of yourselves my friend.

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A Trip to The Vet

 My photos were taken from the T,V. and the quality is awful, but I just could not resist posting this story. In Turkey, a mother dog carrie...