Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I stopped in front of this house to snap the amazing exposed roots of the tree. And made an unexpected friend in the process.


Chatty Crone said...

Goodness Ginny - that tree was just awesome! DOES Phil go with you and stop and let you take photos? That is so awesome. I loved it. sandie

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh wow! I've never seen anything like that. Those roots are humongous.

Hootin Anni said...

Wow. Love your new friend!

Ann said...

Those are some interesting roots on that tree. Your new friend is a cutie

Nancy Chan said...

Interesting to see the roots of the tree. That is a cute cat.

George said...

Wonderful pictures of the tree roots -- and your new friend.

Rose said...

Love those roots...and what a sweet friend.

Tamago said...

Those are amazing roots indeed! Your new friend is sooo cute :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I've seen some tree roots that are above ground, but never any that huge.

Sandi said...

Sweet kitty!

Love the color of your house.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Thanks for stopping by. I did not have the X-ray--yet. I would have needed an order from the nurse practitioner I saw, and she didn't give me one because she said an x-ray can only show breaks--not dislocations. My friend (see previous post about the big 8-0) taped my finger to another one, creating a splint of sorts, and I think it might possibly have helped get the finger back in place, although it does still feel as though it's popping out if I try to move it a certain way. Anyway, I couldn't get an appointment to see the hand doctor for another week or so, so I'll keep using the splint until then, and if the finger still feels dislocated, he can do the X-ray in his office.

DeniseinVA said...

That must be a very old tree! Love the kitty.

L. D. said...

It is such a sweet kitty. I miss having any pets.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...