Sunday, March 8, 2020

Cats Only!

Welcome to a local gas station on a main highway. We are here to get gas.

But lets not focus on the gas pumps now. Let's take a look over at the side to the right of this truck.

There are plenty of strays around, and this is a homemade shelter for them. It has been here for quite awhile.

Cats Only! Cats is crossed out and replaced by Cops. Don't know why. But it made me wonder why they had to warn that this is only for cats. Have homeless people been using it? A sad thought, but that is the first thing that came to mind. What do you think? Maybe we will ask them next time we stop there.

Someone even prettied it up with flowers! Fake ones, as real poinsettias are poisonous to cats.

The homeless cat came to live with him. He would watch her enchanting tricks and listen to her vast collection of songs. At night in bed she hugged his feet. "Now I am a completely happy man!"
 ~Ethel Pochocki


crafty cat corner said...

I love that shelter for cats, someone has a heart.
Luckily we don't get many feral cats here or I would probably be the one making that shelter, lol

Ann said...

That's nice that they made a shelter for the stray cats. I have heard of a lot of places that do everything they can to get rid of any strays hanging around. I'm curious about why the sign and who or what may have been trying to use that.

Natalia said...

So nice!

Tamago said...

It's wonderful someone put a shelter for stray kitties. I don't know if humans tried to use it, maybe kids played in it? I hope the shelter will be kept safely for kitties.

Tanya Breese said... know there is a story behind it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is odd, the fact they used a tent and also the sign is very odd. even more odd is the cops only. hummmm my mind is in gear on this one. 2 of my neighbors put out food and water for feral cats, but have not seen a home..

Chatty Crone said...

That is odd - and kind of sad Ginny. We are so blessed aren't we?

Rose said...

I hope I am here if you ever find out what that is all about!

Inger said...

Please ask next time, I would like to know the story behind this shelter and the change in the sign. I love the quote, so touching.

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful quote! Someone has a very kind heart. I am wondering about the signs also. It makes me sad that there are homeless people who might need this shelter and I wish more could be done to put a roof over their heads. I would like to know the story of the sign. Have a great week Ginny :)

Reanaclaire said...

They crossed out the Cats... wonder what it is really for, I mean the tent..

Nancy Chan said...

Someone takes the trouble to put up a shelter for the cats. Its comforting to know that they stay dry when it rains.

Annie Jeffries said...

I love that someone made a shelter for Cats. However, the Dogs probably filed a complaint. We need protection, too. So, Cats was X'd out.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...