Friday, March 20, 2020

Some Color

"Their God will save the day. He’ll rescue them. They’ll become like sheep, gentle and soft, Or like gemstones in a crown, catching all the colors of the sun. Then how they’ll shine! Shimmer! Glow! The young men robust, the young women lovely!"

Zechariah 9


Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful colours. I like your blog header. Stay safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the moth, I think it is a moth. anyway that photo is beautiful. the flowers are gorgeous and the sky stunning.. I love sky, no matter if it is colors, or dark or stormy or bright blue. I am a sky watcher

Ann said...

WOW, this post is just bursting with color. I love it. I think you covered every color of the rainbow here.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh...bright, vivid, beautiful cones to mind!

George said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful color with us. Its's especially nice on a dreary, rainy morning.

Natalia said...

So pretty, love those colors ☺

Rose said...

These shots look wonderful to my weary eyes!

Inger said...

What a lovely verse. And pictures to go with it.

beautyshapes3 said...

Great post, love it!
If you want that we follow each other let me know by leaving a comment on my post -->

photowannabe said...

Beautiful colors and such encouraging words.
God is Good and we will get through this with His guidence.

Ida said...

Oh so lovely. Sorry I don't get by often. It's a full time job being a caregiver to my mom these days. Thank you for your kind words about the loss of our sweet Dottie.

Tamago said...

Amazing colors, so beautiful! I especially love the incredible sky in the second photo!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for these bright and cheerful pictures.

Chatty Crone said...

Those pictures just make me feel better. Thanks.

Carol said...

How nice that you share these photos with us! At the time that we are living, these types of photos make me smile!

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful series of photos Ginny :) Thank you and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

That sunset is gorgeous!

Following and hugs from NYC

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...