Thursday, March 19, 2020

Look thru Our Window

Simba has come over to the back door to see the sun; let's look out with him. This is our immediate view of the side yard and the next door neighbor's house.

 The lilac bush has tiny leaves on it now.

And most of the forsythias are in full bloom.

These tiny blue flowers cover most of the yard.

They are called Persian Speedwell, and are a low creeping ground cover. Considered a weed by many, I think they are charming wildflowers.

It's not the flowers that interest Simba, though. He has heard the birds sing. They are looking for good nest sites.

A least we have the outdoors to look at along with our kitty. Isolation could be worse.

"Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark." 
~Rabindranath Tagore

"If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up."
  ~Jean Asper McIntosh


Reanaclaire said...

Is Simba confined to the house too? LOL.. Just kidding.. over here in Malaysia, the government advised us to stay indoors till come what may.. I hope this Covid virus will disintegrate soon!

DeniseinVA said...

It all looks so bright and cheerful out there. It was such a warm day today, and tomorrow will be even warmer. Two great quotes to go with your pretty photos. Thanks Ginny :)

DeniseinVA said...

Sim a is a real pretty cat also :). I had one just like him when I was a girl.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Your cat has a lovely colourful view of your garden Ginny. Saty safe.

Hootin Anni said...

I really enjoyed this. And the perspective of what Simba sees is a viewers choice today!

Ann said...

Wow, look at your forsythia. Mine is still bare.

crafty cat corner said...

Love the little speedwell flowers, so often 'so called weeds' are overlooked and some of them are so pretty.

Nancy Chan said...

Like the sunlight on Simba. Good to get some morning sun. Better to stay home and keep safe. We only go out to buy foodstuff and essential and quickly go home. The yellow flowers are very pretty.

Sue said...

So nice to see Spring coming forth in your area, Ginny. I think Simba is making the most of this virus situation, have a great day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the quote about the sunspot on the floor. you do have a beautiful view outside your windows. sunshine and flowers and green things. nothing better. the birds are singing here. when we walk Big, they are singng there hearts out, we go out just as day breaks.

DeniseinVA said...

Hello again. I just came back to thank you for asking about the yellow flowers in my post. When editing I must have taken out the name but I have fixed that now. It is Witch Hazel. You can read about it here:

Inger said...

The forsythia reminds me of my childhood home, where there was one. I love the kitty pictures from behind. How sweet they are these cats, I miss not having one so much. And Tagore was my favorite poet when I was a teenager and was discovering the beauty of a poem. He for sure had some beautiful ones.

George said...

I'm glad Simba (and you) have a nice view through the window. Enjoy!

Tanya Breese said...

Simba is enjoying the sunshine! I have those little purple flowers too in parts of my yard... didn't know what they were! My lilac is looking like yours which I'm excited about because I thought that I had killed it!

Tamago said...

You have such a lovely view out there! Forsythias and Persian Speedwell are very pretty. I enjoy listening to birds singing, too, with my kitties :-)

LC said...

So glad you can find enjoyment with camera, views and Simba during this challenging time!

Rose said...

I am just ready to look out and see sun...has been overcast here a bit too long. Thank God we have computers to help fill the time with.

Chatty Crone said...

Is Simba confused? Disco can't understand what in the world is happening with us h ome all the time - he wants to rest and just can't.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The bright and cheery Forsythia is so pretty.

Shug said...

Simba seems to be enjoying the view. So much beauty in the bright forsythia. It has always been one of my favorites..

Brenda said...

I love cats and your pics are lovely. We have a rescue cat who is gorgeous and she loves the sun.

GretchenJoanna said...

I looked and looked, when I was in India a couple of years ago, for a Tagore quote I liked, to put on my blog. I don't think I found anything. Here you have a lovely one. Thank you!!

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