Wednesday, July 8, 2020


In our little southern town, barbecue is all the rage. There are barbecue joints everywhere, and it seems everyone has a grill in their yard.  Cute train, right? Wrong, it is a barbecue pit!

Some other places nearby.

This house a couple blocks away has at least SIX grills!

This house just has the one big one.

These people decorated theirs for Halloween.

Our next door neighbor has been known to grill in three feet of snow.

Our grocery store even has barbecue balloons.
Growing up in the north, barbecue has never been one of my favorites. What about you?

“The story of barbecue is the story of America: Settlers arrive on great unspoiled continent, discover wondrous riches, set them on fire and eat them.”

Calvin Trillin


The Feminine Energy said...

Holy toledo... that's a LOT of grills! Yes, I like grilled meat but don't grill out much. We have a little $99 gas grill that gets used... I'm guessing... maybe half a dozen times per season. I usually prepare "one pot" meals and seldom a hunk of meat so... I guess that's why we don't grill out more. I love that grill balloon! *lol* Love, Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

I like the barbecue pit that looks like a train in the first pic. We used to have barbecue party when we were young. Now we are having less grilled food.

Reanaclaire said...

Wow.. every house has one? Yes, the train BBQ set is nice.. my sister has one in Sacramento too, at the back yard with patio and all...

Ann said...

They sure do love their bbq around there. I can take it or leave it.

Hootin Anni said...

I like BBQ sauces, but they don't like me much...just give me a plain grilled steak or burger. Pork ribs are okay.

LOVE that balloon.

Ella said...

I haven't had a barbecue in two years!
And tomorrow is the storm in the Netherlands! :-))

MadSnapper said...

Our Grill bit the dust about two or three years ago and we haven't been grilling but because of the virus and hoarding and all of that I told Bob we needed one for the hurricane season so we bought a new one a couple weeks ago and have used it twice. The first thing we cooked on it was If You Guessed It BBQ haha. I was raised in the South and never knew what a barbecue grill was because all the people we knew were too poor to own one. But after I married Bob who was race in the north we never did not have a grill he had a grill when we got married. But he didn't make barbecue on it he made chicken and hamburgers. I do love BBQ and I love all the pictures of all the grills and you must be living in barbecue Heaven because not only a does everybody have grills but they have all those BBQ restaurants

crafty cat corner said...

We never do barbecue's I don't like them but our neighbours do. I have to close all of the windows as the smell of roasting flesh is horrible.
Just my opinion. lol

Rose said...

Oh, I like barbecue...but it does depend on how it is done.

Tamago said...

That train shaped barbeque pit is very cute! My husband cooks dinner with barbeque grill from time to time. I love grilled vegetables :-)

George said...

Barbecue is much more popular in your neck of the woods than it is around here.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Nothing like some good barbecue. We love the photo with the six grills. They must have some excellent parties. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Have a great rest of your day.
World of Animals

Beside a babbling brook... said...

We use our BBQ, for simple things, in summer. So we don't have to heat up, inside. But we are not *big* on *fancy* BBQ.

And we are up North, still. -smile-

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh so BBQ is important to y'all up there too - lol?
GA lives for it's BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute places.

Inger said...

My husband was from New Orleans and the best cook! In the summer he would BBQ and even I who don't eat much meat loved it. It's such an American summer thing to do. I miss it.

photowannabe said...

My Hubby Dave would think he'd died and gone to heaven with all the BBQ goodness. It's his absolute favorite.
We have it sometimes but I'm not a very good griller.
You mentioned on my blog about people not looking so old...that's because Dave and I are the oldest in our eclectic group..Dave will be 79 in January, I'll be 77 in November. Most everyone else is in their 60's. Gotta think Young you know !!

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