Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Groundhog Day 2023

 I know I promised to answer the question about the balloons, and take you shopping. But that will have to wait till my next post. Because I just remembered it is Groundhog Day! Here is a splendid one we found trying to hide from us.

He's come from this crack in the asphalt, where he has his burrow.

Time to venture further and have a look around.

Yikes, we've been spotted!

Time to sound the alarm!


 And speaking of alarms, we spotted this one through our window. He has been fattening up in our backyard for the winter hibernation. Look how alarmingly fat he has become! But he will have to do with no fod for up to 150 days!

“The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it.”

 ~Patrick Young, unverified


Ann said...

Love all your pictures of the ground hog. That one that's been fattening up in your back yard looks huge.
That last one just cracked me up.

roentare said...

Such a story of life for it. So cute with the aggression in the end

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am impressed with all your photos of a groundhog and bob said he is to because it's unusal to see them in daylight. he is so cute and the last one has enough fat to get him through the winter plus an extra six weeks. i am thinking Phil will say another six weeks because the weather is crazy every where.

Nancy Chan said...

The groundhog is cute and yes, fattening up for the winter days. Great photos.

Chatty Crone said...

I know we are going to have six more weeks of winter - groundhog or no groundhog. lol

Hootin Anni said...

Lovin' those memes today!!

George said...

Thanks for a perfect Groundhog Day post!

Liz Hinds said...

Aw, he's cute. we don't have groundhogs here in Wales.

Carla from The River said...

Ha!! I love that Phil's ex-wife funny. ;-)

Sue said...

Loved all the quotes and photos, Ginny, they officially retired our state ground hog. I guess his forecasts were always wrong too! Ha ha Have a blessed day.

photowannabe said...

I have a feeling that Winter is going to stick around for 6 more weeks.
Crazy weather everywhere.
Terrific shots of your resident Groundhog and boy that one is fat...he should make it through the tough times.

HappyK said...

Perfect post for Groundhog Day.
I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of winter whether he sees his shadow or not. :)

Shug said...

cute post! We have no groundhogs around here, but no sunshine either. Looks like Winter weather is gonna hang around for a few more weeks. eagerly waiting for the balloon answer

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I have never seen a real live (or even dead) groundhog! They must have some here in California somewhere, but I've not seen them. They sure are cute though. Like a really big guinea pig.

So I guess I know what we'll be watching on tv tonight...

Mari said...

We have them around here too. That one is so fat!
I have the meme about the wife set to post to my blog tonight! :)

CheerfulMonk said...


Veronica Lee said...

I absolutely love your photos of the groundhog.
I have yet to see one in the flesh. You don't find them in my corner of the world.

Jeanette said...

Funny groundhog memes!

DawnTreader said...

We don't have those here. I saw some once on my one and only trip up in the Alps of Austria, though (if they're exactly the same as the ones in the US, I don't know). 'Groundhog Day' with Bill Murray is one of my favourite movies! :)

Red Rose Alley said...

That is so strange that the ground hog makes his way through the crack in the asphalt. I've seen that picture of the rodent in the pink robe and hair rollers eating a doughnut and sipping on coffee on a friend's blog. I thought it was so funny. I'm not a fan of the ground hog, as they are part of the rodent family, which scares the daylight out of me haha.


Catherine said...

We don’t have this kind of animal here but he is so cute!


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