Friday, February 3, 2023

The Store

 And now the answer to my previous post about the store full of balloons. It is The Dollar Tree! I don't think I have ever seen so many Valentine things.

So, did I buy anything? My next post will show you what!

Our hearts are lamps forever burning...

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Nancy Chan said...

The whole place is filled with red and pink things. Love the hearts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot, and now i am wondering if ours is like that. I am guessing you bought one or more of the gnomes, up to three I think...

Ann said...

WOW, they do have a lot. Those gnomes are adorable. Did you buy one?
The Dollar Tree closest to me doesn't have much at all for their holiday section.

Mari said...

Wow! What a great dollar tree!

Chatty Crone said...

I just love the Dollar Tree - it is $1.25 and that is fine - but they are adding items that are more expensive and I think that takes away from the idea.
Love Valentine's!

photowannabe said...

I Win !! HaHa..
Haven't been to ours since before Christmas
Guess a trip is in the Gnomes.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, what a fun store filled with so many Valentine things. I love the dollar stores, and we can find so many cute holiday stuff there. Wow, this one is packed with all things Valentine. Love those cute little gnomes. I would definitely buy one of them. ; )


DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, they certainly are expecting a crowd of buyers. Lovely Wordsworth quote too.

Carol said...

Lots of Valentine's Day stuff in that picture. I recently bought a bit of stuff for a tea party there.

roentare said...

So much red like lunar new year. It is already Valentine!

HappyK said...

An overload of valentines!!!

Catherine said...

I wish we had Dollar tree here! I always see things coming from this shop on blogs. Many interesting things in these shops!
Enormous Valentine items!

DawnTreader said...

I certainly never have!!! Not all that much fuss made of Valentine's day here

Sue said...

Wow! Dollar Tree is full, I must get by, as soon as my ankle heals. looking forward to seeing what you bought
Thanks for sharing.

Henny Penny said...

Good grief! I'll have to check out our Dollar Tree to see if it looks as pretty.

Anne Robinson said...

They really decorate their stores for all the holidays. I saw some cute drinking glasses someone has. Red hearts on them. Very cute. We still have Christmas up. The mud hopefully will be dry near our shed by the weekend. What a messy winter we have had so far. Have great new week.


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