Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Hearts

 So, what did I get at Dollar Tree? I have never decorated for Valentine's Day before, but these were too cute. They had these sets of tiny stackable boxes. You can get an indea of the size by my hand.

They also had these cute little mailboxes. But I don't know what on earth I will do with them.

A couple cute little owl bottles. See my reflection waving at you?

I also have this gnome sitting out. Can you believe I found it at Kroger?

And some winter birds that I have had for many years.

A find from Target

Simba doesn't think much of any of it. He knows my heart is already his.

“Be tough minded but tenderhearted.”

– H. Jackson Brown Jr


Catherine said...

Such pretty things at Dollar tree ! I wish we had one here! We don’t decorate our homes for Valentine we only make a special meal or better go to the restaurant and buy a present for that day.
I love the mail boxes you found so cute!

( to answer your question 40 years marriage this year)
I wish you a good week

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! In You found some great stuff

DeniseinVA said...

These are great Ginny! I haven’t done any Valentine decorating either but you have sown some seeds.

roentare said...

These items are so cute and sweet!

Ann said...

I love that truck. So adorable. All your decorations are cute. It's so hard to resist things when you go into Dollar Tree. I often buy things with no idea of what I'll do with them simply because they are too cute. I have several of those boxes although they aren't Valentines ones. I use them to store different things in my craft room. I have a couple of those mailboxes too. I just sit them out with other decorations and let them look cute.

Nancy Chan said...

Love those items from Dollar Tree but I prefer your pink gnome, it is cute. Simba looks very comfy and relaxed.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Now Simba has a second floor when she gets tired of sleeping on the bottom floor she can go and sleep on the second floor haha. I love your choices and several of these will be good to leave out through Easter you could even put eggs in where the flowers are on that little truck and the mailboxes are good for Easter too you can sit a bunny in them

Hootin Anni said...

Love Simba!!!!
And my favorite would be the stackable boxes.

Chatty Crone said...

Let's see - love the mailbox - it has my pug on it.
I also love the gnome.
I love Valentine's Day.
A happy holiday.

Red Rose Alley said...

I LOVE those stackable boxes. You found some cute stuff while out shopping. With the mailboxes, you can put the notes and cards and keepsakes in there that your grandchildren gave you through the years. And that gnome you found at Kroger is the cutest thing. What a wonderful quote. Yes, being strong and soft is a good combination.

A happy week to you, Ginny.


photowannabe said...

Such cute decorations.
I haven't done anything for Valentines day for a long time.
Just haven't been in the mood, but I love all the things you have and like Sandra said some can be carried over until Easter too. Win/Win ...

Henny Penny said...

You picked out the cutest things. I need to go to Walmart tomorrow. There a Dollar Tree right next door. Can't wait to see if ours has the same pretty things.

Sue said...

I love all your lovely Valentines Day decoration, Ginny, especially the truck, Samba is adorable.
Thanks for sharing.

HappyK said...

You picked out some pretty little Valentine's decorations.

Carla from The River said...

I love the truck!
Happy Valentine's Month to you my friend.
xx oo

My Tata's Cottage said...

Cute decorations. I love your kitty, what a sweetheart. Beautiful quote too. Have a blessed new week.

Red Rose Alley said...

Ginny, I believe the name of the lake that I went to is the same name of the town, which is just the next town over from where I live. It was a sunny day, but the snow was still on the ground, and it looked real pretty. I don't like driving up the mountain any further that I have to, so I'm glad my brother-in-law said he would drive haha.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Such pretty finds.
I love visiting the dollar store, except I never leave with just what I went in to buy. They always have so many fun and cute things that I can't resist, even if I don't really need them.
The dollar store near me is a Dollar Tree, and they also have really nice greeting cards for just 50 cents each, so I usually stock up on some of those too.

Veronica Lee said...

Great picks, Ginny!
Your kitty is most adorable!

Hugs and blessings.


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