These people have carved a sloth from an old tree trunk in their front yard!
Beside it, they carved a little bear.
These people have carved a sloth from an old tree trunk in their front yard!
Beside it, they carved a little bear.
Golden hour of
magical light
the sky alive, born of the sun
ephemeral link to the moment
~Terri Guillemets
In the teeny tiny city of Crozet is an underpass. And this is painted inside of it. I was not able to capture the entire mural, as there is usually no stopping there.
“All art
should inspire and evoke emotion. Art should be something you can actually
Some interesting things I have seen on cars recently.
We should just get
somebody from the left and the right and they should all throw bumper
stickers at each other and the first one to cover the other one wins.
— David Cross
The Giant Watering Can in Staunton has it's new spring flowers blooming and is ready for spring!
This shot is from a different year when the plants were prettier.
19 artists from 8 different states made this piece of artwork. It hangs in a lobby of our hospital, The University Of Virginia.
It travelled through various medical facilities for 10 months until it was finally awarded to our hospital.
It states:
"We see you, we thank you, and we celebrate and honor you. You are our heroes."
You may think this post is about a cat, but it is really about a sunset. See this feral cat as he walks along during the sunset.
The sun is setting on him, and as it sets, he gets more and more relaxed. Almost like a healing effect on this kitty.
“May there be just
enough clouds in your life to create a glorious sunset.”
– Unknown
In bloom in our yard now are these plants. Some would call them weeds. These are Persian Speedwell, and are so tiny that they are smaller than your little fingernail.
Here are some Wild Violets, of different kinds.
And here are the creepiest of all - Purple Dead Nettle.
A weed is a plant
that has mastered every survival skill except learning how to grow in rows.
~Doug Larson,
Did you know that April is Child Abuse Prevention month? The symbol for this is displaying blue pinwheels. There are several places around town that usually do this.
to wear a concrete vest and take a swim with the fishes than give even one of
these dear little ones a hard time!
Luke 17
We happened to pass one more place that was still loaded with Easter decorations. This is an apartment.
Of course everything
is blooming most recklessly: if it were voices instead of colors, there would
be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.
~Rainer Maria Rilke
I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...