Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Pinwheels

 Did you know that April is Child Abuse Prevention month? The symbol for this is displaying blue pinwheels. There are several places around town that usually do this.

Better to wear a concrete vest and take a swim with the fishes than give even one of these dear little ones a hard time!

Luke 17


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

No I wasn’t aware about the displaying of blue pinwheels. Thanks

Mari said...

Cool display! And a good cause, but so sad that it happens.

LC said...

What a great idea! Have't seen any n our area or in our travels. Will have to do a bit of research when we retry home.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hadn't known that. It's a good idea, but too bad it's needed.

Ann said...

No, I didn't know that. For some reason though, I don't think I would associate a blue pinwheel with that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the plain english of the scripture verse. says it all in a few words. I have never seen these blue pinwheels. of course who would at walmart? ha ha..

photowannabe said...

How sad that there has to be a special day for survivors of abuse.

George said...

I knew this was Child Abuse Prevention Month, but I wasn't aware of the significance of the blue pinwheels.

Carla from The River said...

Praying that this helps the prevention. I agree with photowannabe, so sad.

HappyK said...

So sad that we need a day like this.
Have never seen the blue pinwheels display.

Shug said...


Red Rose Alley said...

The Luke verse is very special. Children are special little people, indeed.


DeniseinVA said...

I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for letting me know. The verse is very powerful. Since seeing your photos of blue pinwheels, I will always remember what they are for. Makes me sad for those children out there who don’t get the love we give our own kids.


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