Monday, April 10, 2023

Our Easter Day 2023

 Before our family came over, I made up this tray. I used cookie cutters to give some of the candy shapes.

I made this Easter bark.

I got these unicorn baskets for the younger girls.

We played guessing games about how much candy was in clear jars.

I had found this kit for making a Peeps coop, and they made that.

The girls were excited!

They brought us these pretty carnations. None of the tulips in the stores had opened yet!

“Here’s for me the one big question: How do you get Crucifixion, Resurrection and then chocolate bunnies, colored eggs? How do you do that one? Even kids are going, ‘Rabbits don’t lay eggs. What is this?’” — Robin Williams


Jeanette said...

Very nice display of your treats! Your granddaughters are beautiful!

Sandi said...

“Here’s for me the one big question: How do you get Crucifixion, Resurrection and then chocolate bunnies, colored eggs? How do you do that one? Even kids are going, ‘Rabbits don’t lay eggs. What is this?’”

It comes from pagan fertility celebrations that the early churches allowed into their celebration of the Resurrection. Even the name Easter comes from that.

Carla from The River said...

I love how you displayed your treats. The carrot with jelly beans made me smile.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is good to see that you were able to make more wonderful memories

Chatty Crone said...

Funny I heard a sermon about eggs yesterday and they are very biblical even down to the Jesish culture.

I have to say the girls are lovely and the candy looks fun!

HappyK said...

Oh my all the candy!! You displayed it all so NICE.
I love Peeps but haven't had any in years!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

A beautiful and creative display of candy.

CheerfulMonk said...

That display is so beautiful! And fun. ❤️

Nancy Chan said...

You made cute and pretty candies for your grand children. They have grown so much and they all are beautiful.

Ann said...

I love how you did that tray. So clever and pretty. The cookie cutters were a great idea.
Looks like a fun day

roentare said...

So many lovely treats to celebrate the day

MadSnapper n Beau said...

mother would love that tray, she always did indiviual butter tubs with grass and candies for each adult at the table when the family got together, the tray would have been great. when does Anne Marie start her modeling career? just sayin! all three of your girls are so pretty.

photowannabe said...

You have such lovely granddaughters.
I really like the cookie cutters used for holding candy and oh my the bark looks yummy.
Pink Carnations are one of my favorites too.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Your Easter candy looks amazing! What a clever idea!!! I am glad you had such a nice day. I love carnations. They are my favorite. Have a cozy evening!

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful, your granddaughters must have loved them!

L. D. said...

You had the best display of treats of any blog that I have seen. Grandkids should have had a great time.

Red Rose Alley said...

So many things I love on here today, Ginny. The candy tray is delightful, and what a great idea to use the cookie cutters. Love those pink pretzels. Where did you find them? I would love to bring some to the grandgirls next month. The unicorn baskets are so cute. They have the cutest baskets out now. Making the Peeps coop is a creative idea too. You know, I don't ever eat the Peeps, but they sure are cute, and have been around for so long. A sweet picture of your grands, and Anne Marie is so grown up now. Love her long hair. You did so many special things to make this holiday a special time for your family, Ginny.



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