Saturday, March 2, 2024


 I saw this on our local news, so all my photos were taken from the T.V. A local shelter found a homeless baby beaver and took it to care for. Isn't he cute?

Soon, he began collecting anything and everything in the room, trying to build a dam. He would slide things along the floor and weave a big pile. Toys, blankets, food, you name it. This is instinctive to all beavers.

They finally had to keep him supplied with a daily stash of large sticks.

Here is part of his new dam.

It's cute how he kind of sits on his tail to balance himself.


CheerfulMonk said...

It's adorable! Thank you. ❤️

Ann said...

Aw, he is cute. How amazing that he even knows about building a dam. Looks like he's pretty good at it too.

roentare said...

The beaver is super cute

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is amazing, and the cutest critter ever. just proves it is in his dna to build a dam.. I assume they will let him go in the wild. hope so... you done good. i love this...

Mari said...

He is so cute! And that's so interesting about dam building so young.

DawnTreader said...

Cute! ... and beavers always remind me of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe... :)

Shug said...

Natural instinct to build.. cute little fella just doing what he knows to do.

Jeanette said...

He's adorable!

Carla from The River said...

I love how it is natural for them to do as God made them to do. A good lesson.
Thank you Ginny!!

photowannabe said...

Great photos from the tv. They sure grow fast and the instincts are quite amazing.
Thanks for sharing .

Chatty Crone said...

I am LOVING how he sits on his tail. He is soooo cute! And how does he just know he is meant to build a dam like that?

Joanne said...

That first picture is absolutely darling! I follow a lady who was fostering a beaver in her home. He made quite a mess, but the videos are hilarious!
Blessings, Joanne

Linda said...


Red Rose Alley said...

Some people are so good with animals. That's really something that his instincts tell him to gather twigs and such to build a dam. Wow, his tail is sooooo long. What a cutie he is.


Breathtaking said...

Hello :=
Sandra sent me this video clip because she knew I would love it, and I do. The baby beaver is adorable, and how extraordinary that it knew to pile up the wood, without being taught by it's parents, it's instinctive I guess.All the photos are lovely to see.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...