Friday, March 15, 2024

When Is A Potato Not A Potato?

 When is a potato not a potato? When it's Irish Potato candy! Which I bought recently.

Believe it or not, there are NO potatoes in the ingredients! They got the name because they look like tiny potatoes.

Here is the inside, which is coconut cream. It has a mild coconut flavor.

I also saw this St. Patrick's Day mailbox. Will you be wearing green today?

“Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don’t want to press your luck”

– Unknown


“Ireland has one of the world’s heaviest rainfalls. If you see an Irishman with a tan, it’s rust”

– Dave Allen



Mari said...

I like the mailbox! I've never heard of Irish Potato Candy.

CheerfulMonk said...

I've heard of Irish potato candy, but I've never tried one. They sound good, I love coconut and chocolate. ❤️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nothing could taste bad that has cocoanut and chocolate or either one alone. and who cares what candy looks like..not me and I still love it even though its been 7 years since I had any

Ann said...

That's my kind of potatoes. From the name though, I would think there would be actual potato in them.
I don't know if I even own anything green. I'll have to look and if I do I will wear it to work. After all, I am part Irish.

DawnTreader said...

We don't celebrate St Patrick's day here, I'd never know it was on if not for some of my overseas friends... I happen to be wearing a green sweater today but purely by coincidence! :)

Jeanette said...

Love coconut and chocolate! No green for me yesterday!

George said...

This sounds like a great way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'd like to try them.

photowannabe said...

Haven't ever tasted the potato candy..sounds interesting but coconut isn't my favorite flavor.
The mailbox is cute too. We don't celebrate St. Patricks Day, I actually forgot it was tomorrow.

Chatty Crone said...

I am shocked they are not potatoes - because they are even called potatoes. I have never seen them before. Interesting.

HappyK said...

They sure look like little potatoes. Never heard of them but I'm sure I'd like them.

Rose said...

Did you like the candy? It sounds interesting. No, not wearing green, but I have green eyes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I have never seen candy like tht but as my husband is not fond of coconut it would not be enjoyed here and he is the Irish person. I knew that it rains a lot in ireland which is why it has so much green.

Shug said...

I have found 2 different four leaf clovers in my lifetime...glad I didn't press them. I have not ever seen the candy...but it sounds tasty. I like coconut flavored candies, so I'm guessing this one would be good..

Red Rose Alley said...

These Irish potatoes look really good. The coconut cream sounds Yummy. I like the packaging they came in. What a delightful mailbox this is.

Have a wonderful week, Ginny.


Bobbie said...

I think I would love Irish potatoes!! They look really tasty.

Haha! Love the one about don't iron a four-leaf clover. Cute! My mom used to collect four-leaf clovers, this made me wonder what ever happened to them. hmmm...

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've never heard of Irish potato candy before.
Cute quote about not ironing clover.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I did wear green, all day! And I would love to taste one of those Irish potatoes! xoxo

A Trip to The Vet

 My photos were taken from the T,V. and the quality is awful, but I just could not resist posting this story. In Turkey, a mother dog carrie...