Thursday, June 6, 2024

Cow Moo Flage

 Always one to be with the current times, the Big Cow has dressed in Cowmooflage! I believe it must be to commemorate D-Day.


CheerfulMonk said...

I love your pictures of the cow and the big cat. Thank you! ❤️

And I love the jokes. ❤️

roentare said...

That is so creative and clever. Love the green camouflage

Ann said...

I love it. The person who owns the cow sure has a clever and creative sense of humor.

Mari said...

The cow owner is very creative! I like the sign too!

Rose said...

I think this is my first seeing the big cow...but sounds like not the first time you have posted it.

MadSnapper said...

cow is cute the cat is even cuter!!!!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - I do love them both, but the cat owner sure goes to a lot of work and money to make us happy.

Debby said...

The owners are so creative. You just know they must have a lot of fun, thinking on what to do next. Have you ever met them?

photowannabe said...

I just love how the cow keeps up with the events of the day..Perfect for D-Day.

DawnTreader said...

Very clever :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

Hahaha that cow is always up to something! xoxo

HappyK said...

Great job of camouflage on the cow.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That big cow's owner is so creative. Seems he (or she) has a lot of fun coming up with these outfits.
Great camouflage job.
The quote about walking into someone wearing camo gave me a chuckle.

The MadSnapper & Me

 Those of you who follow Sandra, the Mad Snapper need to know this. The hurricane hit there and she has had no power since yesterday. They a...