I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block. I have never seen flowers like these.
Flowers are restful to look at. They
have neither emotions nor conflicts.
Sigmund Freud
They are Hellebores Ginny, also called a Lenten Rose. Really beautiful!
You can read about them here.
Hurray for blogging! I didn't have a clue what they were.
They are also poisonous.
Always great to observe the flowers!
I had no idea what they were but they sure are pretty
Yes, Denise is right. They are Lenten Rose. I was just telling my husband we need to put some in our wooded side yard.
I have some my daughter gifted one Mother's Day. They are not even close to blooming here in NH.
wonderful quote!! Lovely flowers and I think they bring so much peace.
Lenten Rose ... I just love them. Hellebore is the other name they go by.
Very pretty, I did not know what they were either. They are poisonous?
I don't know what the flowers are, but they are pretty. Hope you will have a beautiful spring.
I had forgotten the name. Now I know again. :)
Yeah yeah what everyone else said ⬆️
They’re pretty.
I’m back - I just looked them up and they bloom in the winter here. They are very pretty with different varieties equally as attractive.
I really like that quote you shared. It's so true. Have a splendid week, Ginny.
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