Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Doll House

 We have a locally famous artist here, P. Buckley Moss. She does paintings mostly about the Amish way of life. And she has this large doll house in the window of her gallery! The reflections from the glass were so bad, But I did the best I could.

Here is the living room, with a rocking horse and Christmas tree.

This room looks like a child's playroom.

The dining room.

The front porch with a porch swing.

A child at a table of treats and pies.


CheerfulMonk said...

I had a doll house when I was a kid, but it wasn't nearly that fancy!

DeniseinVA said...

You took great photos of the house for me to get a good sense of how lovely it is. And I love that last quote!

roentare said...

Doll houses is a great play for young kids. These look really lovely

DawnTreader said...

When I was around 10 or so I had a doll house my mum made me from cardboard cartons. The furniture too was made mostly from cardboard and matchboxes, and as she used to sew a lot she also had lots of leftover pieces of fabrics to use for furniture and curtains and wallpaper etc. I had fun with it for a couple of years, but made of perishable materials it was not of the kind to last to become a valuable antique...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love doll houses and this one is spectacular! I also love tiny things, the swing is just toooo cute for words and the desk, with chair is awesome. I wonder if she makes the doll houses and sells them. its an amazing piece of art.. I am loving your window shopping. growing up, this is what we did for entertainment, ride to town, park and leave daddy and my brother in the car and Mother and I would slowly stroll, window shopping. back then every store had a window with beautiful things displayed.

Ann said...

What a fabulous doll house that is. Everything is so detailed. I love the dining room with all the food on the table.

Mari said...

I've heard of her. The doll house is incredible, all the little details show she spent a lot of time on it. I could spend a lot of time myself, just looking at it!

Shug said...

Everything is so detailed....Looks like the happiest home. I am amazed at the talents that some people have in making things like this.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow that is quite a dollhouse. I enjoy miniatures.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, what talent. :-)

Red Rose Alley said...

What a delightful doll house. And a talented woman who put it together. I love that charming little desk, and those pies are so cute. Miniature things are so delightful. What a great quote that is to go along with your post, Ginny.


HappyK said...

The doll house is amazing. Such detail. Ken's sister has a doll house like this too. :)

The Doll House

 We have a locally famous artist here, P. Buckley Moss. She does paintings mostly about the Amish way of life. And she has this large doll h...