Friday, July 31, 2009

They Paid The Price

My son and daughter-in-law’s car sprung a leak this week and had to be taken to the garage. Turns out it needed major work done, with a HUGE bill. Well, after they got back, it began to leak again! So back to the garage they went, where the mechanic did patch it up at no charge this time. Now they are still unsure that it is completely fixed, and are hesitant to travel to Pennsylvania in it. Even though they paid a very high price for it. Is it safe? Jesus paid the highest price of all so we could be safe. Cor. 6:20 says “You were bought at a price.” But ,like Mike & Mel’s car, there are many who are still unsure. And this is why. After having paid a huge price for us, God gave us our freedom. 2Cor.3:17 says “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” He basically said “Even though you don’t deserve it, Heaven is yours. Eternal life. But it’s your choice.” If I paid an enormous amount for a gift for someone, and could not take it back, I would want to almost force them to accept it. And I can hardly imagine spending a fortune on someone who had disappointed me, whom I thought didn’t deserve it. But that’s exactly what God did for us. No matter how much we spend on repair, our vehicles will always be uncertain. They are man made, and thus imperfect. But God has given us a great promise if we accept his Son’s gift. And that’s a sure thing.
Psalm 36 “How priceless is your unfailing love.”

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The Rooster

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