Friday, May 7, 2010

Last Flight Out

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." Hebrews 6:10

I believe these lovely plants are lavender, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. They were full of many bees. Bees everywhere! Do you know how a bee's age is determined? Their wings. Since they work all the time, a young bee will have lovely, complete wings. An older bee's wings will be worn and have tears in them. Bees do not die of old age. They die when their wings are all worn out and it becomes hard to fly. When that happens, it can't work or BEE productive anymore. A bee's life is work, and when it cannot work, it's life is over. Nearing it's death, the bee will fly far away from the hive. It will continue flying until it dies and falls to the ground. It has literally worked itself to death. God has programmed bees to do this, not people. Aren't you glad?

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11;28,30


Kilauea Poetry said...

Well I lost my comment. I was in bed before my husband got me up to bring him coffee with banana bread! Sometimes it's easy to moderate or what have you. But, it's sensitive and I lost it while trying to save it. Hmm?
Well I think your whole post is beautiful..those flowers are gorgeous and it was the first thing that came to my mind (lavender) yet I don't have any growing around here? Now that is some great insight about the bees too! I titled one of my posts (Queen w/a Chipped Wing)..a rather large female bee who only appears maybe twice a year. The black is the King one sees throughout the year. Anyway, this was great Ginny in that it explains the why. Btw, that's my love bird bathing in the last shot..thanks for coming back- very sweet of you! Have a wonderful evening!

DawnTreader said...

I'm not sure I knew that although I remember as a child reading an old book of my father's that was all about life in the beehive. (It was about a boy becoming small as a bee and living among them.)

Glenda said...

Love the beautiful purples! Again, Ginny, you share such interesting things with us! I always learn something new here! And the Scripture you chose is one of my favorites - and one that we all need in these busy days.

I really appreciate all of your kind, encouraging remarks on my blog.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I didn't know that about bees... thanks for sharing the info. I love learning new little tidbits of info. Pretty flowers, too. Our lavender looks a bit different here, but it is fun to capture when bees surround it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

We are a lot like the bees, as we get older everything starts to wear out. I am THERE! and sometimes flying off and falling to the ground sounds good. Bees are buzzing in our yard to. when i read last flight out I could not imagine what it had to do with lavendar flower. I like the story and I learn every day from your blog and others. thanks for the info and the photos and for being there and being a friend

Stephanie V said...

Mmm...the scent of lavender on a hot summer day with the buzzing of bees nearby. Now that's a lullaby.

Glennis said...

Pity the poor over worked Bees!
Your bee laden flowers are pretty but maybe not lavender as I know it, what ever it is still lovely.
Glad to have you as a follower.

SquirrelQueen said...

Great shots of the bees Ginny. The last one is an excellent capture, isn't she pretty. Did you know all the worker bees who gather pollen are female?

As the summer goes on I start to see a lot of tattered wings on the bees. I had one light on my shoulder and found her when I got in the house. I took her back outside and put her on a flower, by morning she was dead.

Happy Moo Year

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