Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Watches Of The Night

Care to stand at my kitchen door and look out? I now have something new and lovely to view, this big hanging basket of petunias. A lot of my followers know that my husband, Phil, teaches chess at the local grade school. Students are fifth and sixth graders, and gifted students. Last Friday was the last class of the school year, and they all had a big pizza party. The student's regular teacher presented Phil with this petunia basket. As you can see, we hung it just outside our back door. We have planted petunias in years past, right under where this basket hangs. They never did well and all died. I hope these fare better. Petunias are South American plants, and their Brazilian name is Petun, from the french word for tobacco. This is because, though it is a member of the Deadly Nightshade family, it is also closely related to the tobacco plant! Some suppose that if it were dried and fixed up, smoking it would be an aromatic and dreamy experience. So should you be driving by my house late one night when the sun has set, perchance you may see a dim vision of a rather plump older lady, inhaling Deadly Nightshade tobacco in the balmy night air. Perhaps you would blink and rub your eyes. Was it just a vision? You never know.

"On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:6,8


Kilauea Poetry said...

I admire your pretty putunias and love this post..especially the last part!! Gosh..I'm going to be thinking about that one before I fall asleep- hilarious- love it too! So that's what your hubby does? Sounds pretty neat.
Well, I'm doing a little catch up tonight and do hope you have a wonderful evening Ginny- great verses to think about as well!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

they are very pretty. Make sure you give them plenty of water. The nice thing is that if they start to look unhealthy you can just move them to a place with more sun or less sun...
the red ones may even attract hummingbirds.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely basket of petunias. I often had petunias on my balcony in the summer. As I recall they thrive best protected from too much rain and wind, and if you keep removing the withered flowers.

It's a lovely Bible verse but today it gave me a good laugh, because I started reading it: "Oh my bed I remember you..."

RoeH said...

One of my favorite things to do is take pictures of the sun. You'd think why because it's the same old thing but every photo I've taken on it is different somehow. And I kind of like how you can't see it with the naked eye but photos show what you couldn't see. Or something like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

pretty little petunias and not the only little onion in the petunia patch. rembemer that song? what a View from the kitchend door. and you outdid yourself with the sunhine and flowers photos. I really, really like them.

Stephanie V said...

Such lovely petunias...the header photo is the best. But, like Lucy, I think the sun is quite interesting in those shots, too.
Don't let the hummingbirds' wings wake you as you drowse beneath the nightshade.

From the Kitchen said...

Oh, yes, please! I'd love to stand at your door and gaze upon that beautiful sight! As always, thanks for sharing the information about petunias. I had no idea of anything about them except how beautiful and prolific they are.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Gorgeous basket of Petunias. Hope yours does well. I can kill petunias faster than anything I have ever had in a hanging basket... Don't know why--but they don't like me!!!!



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