“Then you must protect me from the foxes, foxes on the prowl, foxes who would like nothing better
than to get into our flowering garden.”
Song Of Solomon 2
I have always loved the scent of lavender. And I have just found two new lavender items! Starbucks Lavender Vanilla coffee, and Clorox lave...
HI Ginny Yes it is always lovely to come across foxes. It looks like the evening sun was on them.
This past spring there was a den of foxes under my girlfriend's storage shed. We kept seeing the young ones come out to play at around dusk each night and had trouble telling what they were. Then one evening we got some great looks and pictures of them and they were foxes!
so beautiful, we saw a pair once, but it was in the dark and no photos. these are great shots of her/him... so sweet.
Great shots. I do like the evening sun on them.
Neat pictures! I get so excited when I see a fox. Around here, people say that if you see a Red Fox, luck will come your way!! Just think...this means you will more than likely have double luck since you saw two of them! lol.
I don't believe in Luck....I call it Blessings. Enjoyed these photos..
Have a great day.
Cute, cute, cute!!! They're one of my favorite 4 legged critters.
Good morning, Ginny. In all the time we've lived in the valley, I have seen a fox exactly once. It was early morning at work and he ran low, almost gliding like a shadow, across a wide expanse of lawn into the brush. I was so surprise. There was no time to pull out my camera but it made an indelible memory.
Great photos of the little fox. One time when we were driving in the mountains, one ran across in front of our car. Of course I did not get a picture --but he was a big one.
Thanks for sharing.
What cool pictures! I love foxes
They are pretty animals and we often see one running across our Back 6. I did worry when the kittens were very young that they might sneak up to the back yard and try to nab one. I guess it all depends on how hungry they are! Pretty photos!
You were lucky to see the fox. Good pictures.
Oh how special is that ! You have lovely pictures of them.
they area so pretty. I occasionally see one run across the road when I'm driving in the morning.
Fabulous, Ginny! We very seldom see a fox...I get such a thrill when we do.
You are amazing - how in the world can you find these things - with your busy life and babysitting - I don't ever see a thing! that is way cool! sandie
Delightful, Ginny! I love foxes.
What an adorable fox! I don't think I have ever met a fox in the wild. I love their big tail :-)
They are so cute. We see them once in awhile in the late evening driving back from the lake but it's always too dark for photos plus they are usually across a field.
They are such elegant looking little animals. Foxes on the coast have seemed to coexist in our urban areas (except for when one was jumping up and stealing newspapers out of newspaper tubes in a relative's neighborhood).
But I am hearing from friends and relatives in our region that foxes they have spotted recently no longer look well but mangy and emaciated. Np clue as to cause.
I have only seen one..they are so pretty and quick.
Foxes are pretty and graceful and I like their glowing red color.
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