Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Black Thanksgiving

This year the stores are not waiting until Friday to have all the best sales, they are starting them on Thursday.Yes, on Thanksgiving. Black Thursday. It seems to me that we have every single day to shop, so why put it on the one day that we give thanks? Can we not just have one single day of the year devoted to family, friends, and thanks? Apparently the retailers think not. A lot of the store personnel are quite upset that they have to now work on Thanksgiving. So my pictures here represent two kinds of Thanksgiving. Anne Marie's first one, she was beyond happy just to be with grandma and grandma at home and eat turkey. Here is the pretty decoration at Target this year. And for some reason the stores are putting beer six packs in the shape of big Christmas trees. What I get from this is that we should all drink beer on Christmas. For those of you who are shopping on Thursday, I hope you truly have a good time, I just feel bad for the poor clerks who have to work at the store. I guess it is a rare post that finds me griping, but I just couldn't help it. Now tell me what YOU think???

“Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house.”
Colossians 3


SquirrelQueen said...

I'm with you on this one Ginny. Thanksgiving day should be a time to be with family not working. We have plenty of time to shop the rest of the year. The next thing you know the big retailers will want to open on Christmas.

Hootin Anni said...

You're so right Ginny!!! I can see only a drug store being open 365 days a year for emergency purposes for medications....that's all.

RoeH said...

Couldn't agree more. It should be a mandate no shopping day. But money talks. To the wrong people, but it talks LOUD.

Alice said...

I feel bad for people who will have to work on Thursday, too. The Heineken tree is cute, though:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I won't be out shopping on either Thursday or Friday. I think it's terrible all the stores are opening Thursday night. Family time during the holidays should be sacred. :-( I just feel bad for all those people who are having to work.

Anonymous said...

agree, our Canadian Thanks giving is long past but the stores are closed here in our city, we just started having Sunday shopping here a few years ago, we are slow to join the times of no respect for holidays, as for the beer, probably a lot of people DO drink alot of beer on the holiday, we're not drinkers in this house so we don't waste our money on it , we waste our money on more important things like PIE!!! lol, Happy Thanksgiving to you sweet lady,

From the Kitchen said...

Growing up, the day after Thanksgiving we bundled up and went downtown to the Christmas parade. It was our first glimpse of streets and store windows decorated for Christmas. The stores weren't open for shopping though. I won't be shopping on Thursday or Friday!! I'll save a few small items for purchase Christmas week so as to enjoy a bit of that "rush" though.

Happy Thanksgiving!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't shop on holidays for that very reason and for the past 3 years i have felt guilty for making the people work in the restaurant where we eat out. the only way to stop this is for everyone to not shop or not eat out. as long as we do it they will be open. i feel guilty but i am still eating out Thursday...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I agree with you, I dont want to shop on Thursday....I feel for the workers but shoppers that want to, go ahead

Reanaclaire said...

You are very considerate, Ginny.. I think those who work on holidays are given higher wages to compensate back the time, right? Over here, if it is a public holiday, they are paid two times more than the usual daily wage...
Happy Thanksgiving to you! Hope I am not too late.. :)

LC said...

For more than a decade, I think, we have had Thanksgiving on Friday. Both our sons' in-laws, who are wonderful by the way, have big family gatherings on Thanksgiving. At this season of life, I am just thankful to be here to give thanks and to have precious moments with our offspring and grands.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I find it discouraging when we can close stores for some unimportant day,but fail to allow staff time off for a day set aside for Thanksgiving.Hope your Thanksgiving will be great.

Linda said...

Hi Ginny, I find it sad as well for the retail personnel that have to work on days that are set aside for most people to be with family. I used to work in retail and believe me, I can empathize with the store personnel. I love your photos here...and your header is fantastic!

Marie said...

I think it's out of control! It's all about money, a lot of people are losing their family values. And so many people that want to be with their families have to work in fear of losing their jobs, really sad.
All of my family will be together on Thursday. :)
If I go out on Friday I'll take pics. :)

Ann said...

I for one am seriously sick of the push to spend spend spend for Christmas. I feel bad for the people who have to work.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - I agree with you - I feel bad for the workers - I bet in a few years we may give up Thanksgiving as a holiday! lol

Hey girl my son and family were here last weekend and when they were leaving Sunday night my son set his suitcase out in the hall - guess who didn't see it?

I fell hook, line, and sinker. Full frontal - got both wrists, my nose, glasses, and my artificial knee - I am hurting - but now I can really identify with you.


Rose said...

I am pretty much with you on this, though I suppose there are a few that can use the extra money from working on a holiday.

What I wish is that they would wait till after Thanksgiving to put out the Christmas stuff and not play Christmas music till after it.

Ruth Kelly said...

Absolutely, Thanksgiving is a family day, not a shopping day. I don't care how good the sales are on Black Friday, I do not participate.

Cindy said...

I'm thinking Canada has caught onto this idea of Black Friday or Thursday as you have put it. All our flyers came out today with Black Friday sales and everyone is getting in on it tomorrow.

LV said...

I think it is sad that the world has come to this. I agree wholeheartedly. They even start putting out Christmas before Thanksgiving at times.

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