Monday, November 4, 2013

Zombie Homecoming Wedding

Truly I didn't seek this out, I just happened to accidentally pass by, and of course I had my welcome to the Zombie Homecoming Wedding!!!
The bride is looking in her closets for last minute fashion changes.
                                         The waiters have just arrived with the food
                                     The guests are starting to fill the seats.
                                The Maid Of Honor is making sure her dress is just right.
                                            The photographer is in place.
                                     And finally, the vows are spoken!!!
Shall we wish them well as they drive away? And most of all, let's hope they do not settle down in our neighborhoods!!

"I love zombies. If any monster could Riverdance, it would be zombies.” Craig Ferguson

It’s what we trust in but don’t yet see that keeps us going. Do you suppose a few ruts in the road or rocks in the path are going to stop us? When the time comes, we’ll be plenty ready to exchange exile for homecoming.


Unknown said...

That's pretty cool :)

photowannabe said...

Clever story to match the display. Zombies...I don't get them...
Great story though.

Ann said...

someone put a lot of work in to that display. I like the story you tell to go along with the pictures.

Alice said...

What a great find, Ginny. These people really like their zombies.

From the Kitchen said...

Was there music? You Virginians are a weird bunch!


Reanaclaire said...

Interesting and quite scary if seen during the night.. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

someone has a vivid imagination plus tons of creative genes and LOTS of time on their hands.. cool

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Although I am not too much for Halloween festivities, this art display is fun. Have a great day!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

A Zombie Homecoming Wedding? How awesome is that!?

Chatty Crone said...

That was cute - your town has EVERYTHING!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny Don't like Zombies but the colours ar great for photography

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Don't know what to say about this other than the fact that I don't like zombies... BUT--there was some creativity used here --and I enjoyed the 'story' you added.


Ruth Kelly said...

How bizarre!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a trip! Someone really loves zombies.

Tamago said...

Wow what a fun sight you came across!! Very strange....but unique and kind of cute :-) I wish the happiness for newly-wed couple!
Thank you for your comment on my blog. The company I work for is located in wooded area. Lakes nearby and there is residential areas too. I suspect kitties come from that area. Glad we could find home for kitty :-)

George said...

You find the most unusual subjects in your part of the world. I'm just glad your camera is always at hand.

Linda said...

Ginny, this is really cool!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, what a great find Ginny. This looks like it was one heck of a wedding. I hope the bride & groom have a happy life, er, I mean death, oh I don't know what I mean. LOL!

Halloween at this house must have been fantastic.

Marie said...

kinda spooky to me, but so cool that you saw it! great post!
hope you're doing well. :)

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