Thursday, November 7, 2013

Good And Not Good

If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive. ~American Quaker Saying

When I was a little girl, my mom told me that God made everything except spiders and flies. The devil made spiders and flies. Of course I now know this is not true. But I watched her scream and run whenever she saw a spider, so now I am the same. I have arachnophobia, which is fear of spiders. If you would come to visit us right now, this is what you would see. These are all around the neighborhood. People put them out for Halloween, but they do not bring them in the next day. I hate driving around and seeing these horrible creatures. I know that God made these creatures too, and he called them good. But for me, they for sure are NOT good! So people, take your spiders inside!!

“God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1


Hootin Anni said...

I don't like spiders either!!! And I can't figure out why people do not take down the Halloween stuff already?!!! It's nearly a week. I agree, take 'em down.

Ann said...

Whenever I see people with tons of decorations up for Halloween or other holidays my first thought is always who would want to have to pack that stuff up when it's over. I can see how all those spiders would be getting to you.

From the Kitchen said...

You don't even like "Charlotte"?


Melanie said...

I completely agree with you, Ginny!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I have a HUGE fear of spiders! In fact, if anyone saw my reaction to a spider they would never ever be intimidated by me.

Alice said...

I don't mind spiders... mice, though yuk!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm not a fan of spiders either. I feel the way you do with all Halloween decorations. Take them down after the day is over.

Joanne said...

This past summer we had a rise in number of a certain spider. They were big and would spin their webs in places where we could easily run into them.....(the Hubby did a few times!) One even managed to get into the house and was sitting right next to my son's sneaker....AKKKKK!!! I am not as afraid of spiders as I am of crickets....I was stuck driving with one jumping all over me in the car...oh the horrid memories! Here's hoping that people take in those icky spider decorations...
Have a "spider-less" day Ginny!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I don't like spiders either. Worst movie ever is arachnophobia. Freaked me out!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Spiders give me the creeps too...yep they need to take them inside:)

Rose said...

I think we all have things that creep us out...I cannot stand a cockroach! They give me the heebie-jeebies. But truth be told, I don't like seeing decorations out for a holiday that has done passed. And When Christmas is over, I want everything down and put away...yet I have loved it every moment till the day is past.

Reanaclaire said...

I dont mind seeing spiders but not that giant type! Yes, terrifying if they are real..

Chatty Crone said...

Can't say I am a bug lover myself. I hope you have a great weekend. sandie

DawnTreader said...

Oh my... I had to keep my eyes shut while scrolling through this post!!! (LOL)

Tamago said...

These displays are quite amazing, but I prefer not to see giant spiders :-)

SquirrelQueen said...

I love the cute little guy in your header. I don't mind spiders if they are outside and I don't run into one of their webs but if one is in my house it is going to die.

Besides, the spiders eat the flies so they can't be all bad.

Linda said...

Lovely photos, Ginny.

Karin said...

I always had to be the one who rescued others from spiders. Off would come my shoe and I would whack it dead and then whack it some more to be sure! Folks up here are starting to decorate their yards in a spooky fashion for Halloween, something no one ever bothered with in the past. I'm with you on taking the stuff down!!

Annie Jeffries said...

The spider all over the door gave me the creeps. Seriously. And this from the gal who never misses an opportunity to watch the movie, Eight-Legged Freaks. LOL

Cindy said...

I like a witches hat any day, a spider is a different story. We have gardens, my biggest is walking about the garden and being strung in the web knowing a big old nasty spider has thoughts that he might have caught dinner for the next year. Sorry, that scared me too!

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