Friday, November 29, 2013


Around here, there are still a zillion pumpkins on display, all different kinds. There are inflatable ones outside in the dark.
                               There are ones made of hay bales.
                                     There are patriotic ones.
                                        There are tiny ones in plant hangers.
                                        There are beautiful teal green ones.
                                    There are ones in front of flaming bushes.
                                There are ones made of etched glass in store windows.

                                            There are spooky ones with cobwebs.
                                          There are ones with trios of scarecrows.
                                          There are ones that are really gourds.
                             And we have ones hand carved with skeletons on them, in the bank.

In fact, it looks like the whole town has turned into a harvest!

“The God who gives rain in both spring and autumn and maintains the rhythm of the seasons, Who sets aside time each year for harvest and keeps everything running smoothly for us…”
Jeremiah 5


Reanaclaire said...

It is indeed an orangy festival indeed... I remember before I left Sacramento last year, I saw lots of pumpkins at the ranches, ready for Halloween .... :)

SquirrelQueen said...

These are all so pretty and bright that I would want to keep them around too. I really like the one in stained glass and the giant one made for hay bales.

Ela said...

So a lovely place !

crafty cat corner said...

I'm glad you still have them on display, its such a shame that they all get thrown out the next day.
Hope you're okay now.
God bless

RoeH said...

I'm loving every photo on this post. So pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow and wow again, these are some really cool punkins. love the bale of hay, the ones in the planter, the green one and the etched glass is my favorite because it is beautiful... pumpkinville indeed....

From the Kitchen said...



Alice said...

The gourds are very interesting.

Anonymous said...

beautiful pumpkins, I love orange!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is why I like Halloween and October - I love that vibrant color - just makes me feel so good and alive! Love your photos expecially the header! Sandie

Linda said...

Lovely and festive, Ginny! Thanks for making me smile. Love this!

Ann said...

I LOVE all of them. It's nice to see that fall is getting it's fair share of display time. Around here everyone is in a big hurry to put out the Christmas decorations.

Our photos said...

Nice are your post!
Greetings, SK

Ruth Kelly said...

That last pumpkin is amazing - it looks like a stencil.

Unknown said...

So fun Ginny and I love that Scripture. BTW, you had me laughing so hard about the Cadillac from Santa :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a great collection of pumpkins.

Cindy said...

Love all the pumpkins, especially the little ones in plant hangers. Now I can't say I've ever seen red guards and they are really nice. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, The older I become, the more I appreciate the efforts people put into outdoor holiday displays. Beautiful and fun. Have a super day today and a fine day again tomorrow!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice group of pumpkins- I like them all.

LV said...

Are you sure it is not called the land of orange. The entire town tuned out to be a pumpkin patch.

Small Kucing said...

These pumpkin so gorgeous. not scary at all :p

Cheryl @ TFD said...

beautiful pumpkin displays! It's so interesting seeing the big round bales made into pumpkins.

Marie said...

What an assortment! I just love the hay bale one. :)
Happy December to you!

LC said...

I loved the pumpkins, especially the dancing skeleton.

LC said...

I loved the pumpkins, especially the dancing skeleton.

Rose said...

Whoever did the skeleton pumpkin should be a surgeon! I cannot imagine doing that.

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