Monday, March 2, 2015

Triple Birthday Party!

On Saturday, we went to a triple birthday party! It is the second birthday of our grandbaby Jaslyn, and the birthday of her mom. Also another family member's birthday! So come with me!! Here is the sun catcher hanging on the sun room door. Let's go in.

Inside the sun room, there are many beautiful plants, including this large amaryllis. My son and husband are huddled there deep in conversation. And I got a close up shot of my boy!

                                  Here is our granddaughter Anne Marie and her mommy.

     Time to eat! So let's move into the dining room. And the beautiful chandelier over the table.

                       After homemade pot pie, there was German chocolate cake for the grownups.

And the cupcake corner for the kids.

Speaking of kids, there were lots! Many more than the little ones on the couch. They were playing The Quiet Game.

 Time to open presents!!

This is one of the presents we gave her. How many of you remember this, or had one? Jazlyn was promptly chased down the hall by the other kids wanting to grab it. The two words that she has mastered are "NO! MINE!"

As we were leaving, we looked back to see the tiny birthday girl sitting happily in a chair surrounded by her gifts. It was a good day. Thank you for coming! 
 P.S. I know you remember that I cannot post any pictures of her sweet little face on line until the adoption is complete, phooey!

“Let me tell you what God said next.
He said, “You’re my son, and today is your birthday.
What do you want? Name it:
Nations as a present? Continents as a prize?
You can command them all to dance for you,
Or throw them out with tomorrow’s trash.”

Psalm 2


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a lovely birthday party. Great shot.

Ann said...

looks like a fun part. Happy Birthday to all those that were celebrating.
I don't remember ever having one of those toys but I think one of my kids did

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we had a couple of those poppers and they are fun for toddlers. love the heart in the header and your boy looks so handsome. i love the quiet game shot to Happy Birthday to mom and daughter

From the Kitchen said...

I love this entire beautiful and loving post. Jaslyn is beautiful--all of the children are. Loved seeing your handsome boy and the cake and, well, all of it!!


Linda said...

It looks like a great time, Ginny! I love this series of photos. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the birthday photos. The German Choc cake looks delicious! Oh yes, I remember my nieces having that toy - great memories!

Marie said...

A birthday party with children is always fun. :) Happy birthday to all celebrating! Love your heart!

Chatty Crone said...

You have a handsome son and hubs. Happy birthday to everyone. I am so happy you have a second granddaughter - she is beautiful. I have two boys and would love a girl!

Ruth Kelly said...

What fun! I get to celebrate my grandson's birthday with mine because he was born the next day after mine which actually makes mine more special. Ours is in March.

Nice to have different cakes too!

Nancy Chan said...

Thank you for sharing the birthday party celebration with us. That is a very special birthday cake. I am sure the little ones enjoyed the party too.

Tamago said...

Happy birthday to your family! Looks like it was such a fun party! Love that sun catcher. What a beautiful color and design. Love the photo of Jaslyn sitting in the chair. She is very pretty :-)

Patsy said...

Thanks, always love a party. The baby's are so cute and sweet.

Ans to your question why did we move---We retired and getting old. Moved to retirement village, but after 3 years had enough bought a new smaller home where we live now.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Birthday parties are so much fun. The birthday girl is a cutie and you have a very handsome son! I loved seeing your photos, thanks for sharing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am so glad you had a good time.Birthdays are so special,especially for the little ones.

Shug said...

fun times....they sure grow up quick!
I really like what you have done with several of the pictures here....great job Ginny..

Unknown said...

What a delightful party and how fun to celebrate 3 birthdays on the same day! Love this two year old age, so special!

DeniseinVA said...

Locwly photos Ginny, and three birthdays? That's a great idea, three times the fun. This brings back memories of my own son's birthdays when he was this age. Sweet memories! Made me smile when Jazlyn said, "No mine!" They learn early :)

Reanaclaire said...

Nice kids' party, Ginny! And I like your small table ... kind of cute.. lovely environment in your house, dear...

EG CameraGirl said...

She looks so sweet! Looks like everyone enjoyed her birthday.

Jeanne said...

First off - I love that name Jaslyn.
Sounds like a very fun party and my husband's favorite birthday cake - german chocolate. I have made it every year for him for many years!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Great pictures. It looks like everyone had a great time. What fun!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Three birthdays means three times as much CAKE!!!!!!

Small Kucing said...

Hi Ginny! Am back :)

It's great to see your family gathering together

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, What a wonderful day!! Wonderful birthday celebrations and good memories for all.
I do remember that popper toy. I can still here the sound it makes as the little ones play.
xoxo Catherine

Rose said...

She is adorable...and yes, my kids had one of those. We got Lorelei one that had chime in it that was real pleasant to listen to. LOL

LC said...

Fun and sweet!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...