Friday, January 6, 2017

A Guessing Game

Let’s play a guessing game today
Because it’s snowing and it’s grey.
As we were driving up the street
This is what we happened to meet.
I had no camera with me either
We ran back home without a breather
We drove back quick for me to snap
And then I needed a long nap.
So what did we see on our ride?
You have the weekend to decide.
I think not many of you will know.
But what the heck, let’s give it a go!

“This is new, brand-new, something you’d never guess or dream up. When you hear this you won’t be able to say, ‘I knew that all along.’ 
Isaiah 48


Nancy Chan said...

It does looks like the place for one of the car's tail lights.

Hootin Anni said...

Well, it's definitely electrical and looks like from an automobile. I see some insulation in the top right corner and what looks like a gear of some sort....

Ann said...

I have no clue but it looks like there is some sort of sprayer mechanism that would spray whatever that liquid stuff is in the pouch

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think I know, it is the inside of a door to a vehicle after the removed the panel? something mechanical on a vehicle. great shot great idea and now we wait

From the Kitchen said...

I think I'm with Sandra. If she's wrong, then I'm guess something to do with the windshield wipers.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have no idea but I would guess a motorized something?? Hope you dont freeze in this cold!

Rose said...

I don't know, but I love these guessing games. And your poem is wonderful!

Marie said...

looks like the inside of a car door. hubby just changed our window regulator in our suv. cool header!
stay warm,

Unknown said...

I think it's the inside of a hard drive.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I will just admit that I'm not smart enough to even venture a guess.

Nancy Chan said...

Yes, Sandra is right. I guessed wrong. Lol!

Reanaclaire said...

Parts from the bicycle? :)

Tamago said...

Oooh I love guessing game! Though, I have no idea what it is! It's unlikely, but can it be something inside grinder?

Bobbie said...

Not a clue!!! Can't wait to find out though.

Carla from The River said...

I am going to guess a fender bender on an auto?

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...