Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Door

Here is the answer to my previous picture. Quite a few of you actually guessed it! I am impressed. I would not have had a clue. This car was parked on the street looking like this. Strange that it was not in a garage! It cannot be driven, because the back wheel has been shoved into the fender, see it? So there it sits. Phil says that he will go to the door and ASK them!! He is curious too.

“We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us.”

Romans 5


Linda said...

That is really crazy! I would not have guessed it!

Ann said...

Well I was way off with my guess. That car sure is a mess.

Nancy Chan said...

Oh dear! The outside of the car door has been ripped off and the tyre had burst too!

Unknown said...

Goodness! Maybe they've just left it there to spur everyone's curiosity!

Tamago said...

Wow, I could never guess! And I've never seen inside the door of a interesting!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks like it was hit in the side.... I can't figure out why they have the door panel off. cook shots

Marie said...

hope no one was hurt. maybe they don't have a garage to keep it in?

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Well heck, I missed your last post, but I never would have guess it right. It does look like it should be covered if they ever intend to get it fixed. Oh wait, they'll probably have the whole door replaced. Salvage yards would have one. Now you have me thinking about a future blog post! :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like how you spot such unique photo opportunities.I might have seen the car, but would not likely have thought to get a picture and then use it the way you did.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow I could have never guessed that!

Reanaclaire said...

My goodness... who would have done that.. and for you to spot it, Ginny, you are really creative in mind..

Hootin Anni said...

When you post the entire car, it looks a lot like something from Robocop or at least robotic! lol

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a mess!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Terrible mess and how did that broken car get to be parked there? I only hope no one is hurt. Also I hope the car is insured because that looks like a very big repair job needing a new rear axel. Do keep us updated.

George said...

I'm not sure I would have correctly guessed what this was. It would be nice to know why it is still out on the street, although it looks as if there are parts of the car under the rear end. Perhaps it was hit at this location.

Rose said...

I had no idea what it was...I thought the guesses were good but would not have thought of them myself. It was like I had a blank spot in my brain when I tried to think.

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