Monday, July 24, 2017

More Wild Horses

A couple weeks ago, we passed a sign for a horse show. So we turned into the road and watched a bit.

As we were leaving, we passed a huge fenced-in pasture. There were two horses in it.

The horses were beautifully groomed, and were even wearing coats. Phi said they were likely very expensive show horses, or race horses.  They came right up to me and stuck their heads over the fence. So for the first time, I petted a horse!

They were so friendly to me that I was beginning to think that I was The Horse Whisperer or something. Until Phil informed me that they were looking for food. I should have known!

The eyes of the young man were opened and he saw. A wonder! The whole mountainside full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha!”
2 Kings 6


DeniseinVA said...

Oh how wonderful, such a great first time experience. Gorgeous photos Ginny and a fabulous header too. They may have been looking for food but I still think you are a horse whisperer and they recognized a friend.

Nancy Chan said...

I like your blog header. These are beautiful horses. I have not pet a horse before and it must have been a wonderful experience. I think the horse can sense that you are a friend with a good heart. Have a beautiful day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are gorgeous... I have petted a few through fences and we have to remember to never feed them anything unless the owners say it is ok. horses have allergies just like people and we could injure them. I would have done the same thing you did, pull in and watch and snap

From the Kitchen said...

I loved going to horse shows/events when I lived in Virginia. Beautiful horses!


Reanaclaire said...

I never come so close to a live horse before... yes, they look so adorable even at close-up, but have to be careful not to get a "kick" from them. LOL...

Hootin Anni said...

...and the definitely ARE beauties!!! Don't you just LOVE their soft nuzzle? These make me miss my horse, Lucky.

Ann Thompson said...

I've ridden a few back in the day. They are such beautiful creatures

Carla from The River said...

Ha, cute.
Beautiful photos, I love their eyes.
xx oo

Rose said...

It is wonderful that you finally got to pet a horse. Did you notice how soft anf velvety their noses are? And did you notice the smell? I happen to love the smell of a horse...

Tamago said...

They are beautiful! I think it's very possible that you are in fact the horse whisperer :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Not necessarily just looking for food. Some horses are genuinely friendly and curious.

Bobbie said...

They are beautiful, Ginny!! I love those spur of the moment stops that are interesting along the road... Great pics!


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