Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Through The Wires Thursday

Driving this evening, the sunset was beautiful, even through the wires. This is highway 250.

I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121


Rose said...

These are so beautiful, Ginny!

crafty cat corner said...

Lovely pictures, are they telephone wires?
You are so right about looking up, we miss so much by not doing so.

Reanaclaire said...

Beautiful sunset... Love the orange blending with the blue... nice!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful skies Ginny! A perfect evening for driving home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last two are my favorites. I happen to love seeing the sky through wires and these have lots of wires and turn that wonderful sky into ART for me... I love the shape of anything in silhouettes.

LV said...

Nice to drive toward such a glorious sight.

Nancy Chan said...

The sunset shots are so beautiful. The colours so lovely!

Tamago said...

Such a beautiful sunset! I feel wires kind of carry nostalgia, especially in sunset :-)

Ann Thompson said...

Very pretty. A sky full of color

Hootin Anni said... a pastel work of art, isn't it? Beautiful.

L. D. said...

Great verse. I just viewed an image of a painting by Hopper that had the very same sky in the painting.

Carla from The River said...

I love the photos.
And love the verse.
xx oo


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