Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Thunder

So, here is the full moon completely risen, in the order I took the pictures. You can see there were some clouds.. This July full moon is called the Thunder Moon.

There were blooming thistles nearby.

Also visible this month is Saturn! Of course, every planet I snap looks like a pizza. A friend said it's because I'm always hungry. And of course I could not capture the rings.

I don't have a tripod, so this was holding my breath.

“God thunders across the waters, Brilliant, his voice and his face, streaming brightness…”
Psalm 29


MadSnapper n Beau said...

by the title I was expecting storms, like our thunder boomers we have been having every day, they come up quickly and sound like a war is going on and then they are gone. this moon is really really beautiful. I love the color and it does look like pizza.. I miss my pizza. only one in 6 months.. I can't hold my breathe and steady my camera, with it zoomed it has a life of its own

L. D. said...

I quit trying to take any shots of them moon. I really do enjoy seeing it every evening when I take out the dog You are the second person to mention thunder moon. I had never heard of that before but I like learning new things. I was trying to capture the half moon early morning and the clouds kept covering it.

From the Kitchen said...

You must have a steady hand! Great shots without a tripod.


DawnTreader said...

I'm in awe (and suddenly getting a craving for cheese...)

DeniseinVA said...

Impressive moon shots Ginny, an amazing moon. You made me smile with your pizza planet :) I am also impressed you identified it. I wouldn't have a clue. I like your nighttime thistle shot. Your Thunder Moon makes an outsanding header :)

Tamago said...

Wow, great shots. The moon looks stunning in the dark sky. And the Saturn - you made me feel hungry, hahaha :-)

Ann said...

As always your shots of the moon are spectacular.

Chatty Crone said...

You must have one terrific camera like Sandra. Awesome.

Carla from The River said...


We will be heading for a wee getaway.
Be back soon.
Have a blessed week my friend,

Reanaclaire said...

Full moon.. reminds me of the howling and all.. LOL.. As usual, your captures are captivating, Ginny!

Nancy Chan said...

As always, your moon photos are gorgeous. I love to watch full moon.

Hootin Anni said...

You did good with Saturn in my opinion. I don't think I could hold my breath and snap the shutter button at the same time without wobbling. Beautiful moon. I always appreciate you telling us 'what moon' it is for each month....names are interesting.

Unknown said...

I didn't know that beautiful moon I've been gazing at was called the Thunder Moon. What a fun name. It sounds like it should look a bit sinister!

Rose said...

That moon is beautiful!

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