Friday, April 27, 2018

The Fox

Look what Phil spotted while we were driving today! This fox was in a field on the side of the road. And he looks in perfect condition. I have been wanting to take a picture of a fox in the wild for a very long time, so I was excited! Just look at those gold eyes!

“Then you must protect me from the foxes, foxes on the prowl, Foxes who would like nothing better than to get into our flowering garden.
Song Of Solomon 2


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i might pass out from excitement if i saw a fox. the photos are super great. he is looking right at you. what a beautiful fox. good job Phil for spotting it and you for bring it to US

Ann said...

Oh, he's a beauty. I've seen some around here but it's been when they've run out in front of my car. Glad Phil spotted this one so you could show us the pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

Well spotted Phil. These are great photos! He is a real beauty.

George said...

What a great capture. Well done, both of you!

DawnTreader said...

And he's staring right at you!!! :)

Chatty Crone said...

He is staring at you and looks like he is smiling with two front teeth. We have them in our backyard Ginny.

That was a great picture.

crafty cat corner said...

He is a beauty Ginny, so golden, lucky you. I ony get to see mine at night.
Hope you are feeling okay.

LV said...

You two find some of the most interesting things in your area. Guess I do not get out enough to find them. Trust you are doing better.

Shug said...

I love seeing a red fox. My uncle always told me that when you see a Red Fox, it means great things are coming your way. Who knows where that bit of knowledge came Beautiful picture. Hope you are improving...

Ruth Hiebert said...

He is a good looking fella. It is a wonder he hung around so you could get these pictures.

Nancy Chan said...

The fox is beautiful! Good thing it stayed still for you to take its pictures. Have a beautiful weekend!

Linda said...

Beautiful fox! Well captured.

Karen said...

He does look healthy and alert. I don't see foxes around here. Glad you were able to get such a good photo. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Hootin Anni said...

It's so beautiful!!!

L. D. said...

It is a wonderful shot.

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 Well, won't believe it. Tomorrow, on the very day my stress test is scheduled, we are to have a big sleet and ice storm! So ...