Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Full Of Hot Air

Have you ever seen a hot air balloon being inflated? Well, you have NOW! This is from a few years ago when we went to  a hot air balloon festival. They bring the balloons in on trucks, then inflate them with machines.

“Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
James 1


Linda said...

We went to a hot air festival one summer in Las Colinas - which is still in Irving but on Lake Caroline. It sounded like we were in a war zone with all the noise and commotion. I imagine once the balloons are in the air it is very quiet.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What beautifu rainow colours this balloon has. I have left your answer on my post today

Small Kucing said...

I love the colours! What fun to see the hot air ballon going up. :)

Ann said...

They have some kind of event near here every year with hot air balloons. I've never gone but I have seen the sky filled with the balloons. It's quite a sight. I think the only time I've ever seen one inflated was on tv.

crafty cat corner said...

I love to see them but not sure if I would like to go up in one.

Karen said...

That is a beautiful balloon. Fascinating to watch them being inflated.

DeniseinVA said...

Now that would be exciting. Great photos Ginny! We used to have hot air balloons fly over our house when we lived in California. They were landing not too far behind us and were so low we could clearly see the people in the gondola. Always fun to see them waving at us. Fun memories.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing story told by your photos, i have never even seen a balloon in the air or on the ground, only in photos and movies... i never really thought about how they inflate, i like the series of photos as it changed.

George said...

Thanks for showing that beautiful balloon being inflated.

LV said...

I have seen several over the years but not the blowing up process. I have no desire to fly in one tho. So pretty to look at.

Tamago said...

Great photos! I've seen hot air balloon being inflated long time ago, when I took a ride :-)

DawnTreader said...

Never seen a balloon of that size being inflated, no... :) It's beautiful, so colourful!

Chatty Crone said...

Love the bible quote - VERY TRUE.

I would love to go up in a hot air balloon.

Bobbie said...

Wow, that is neat Ginny!! So many lovely colors.. You always capture the best of the best.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those balloons are so colourful.I would like to go to festival like that, but am not aware of any around here.

Shug said...

this is on my bucket list.....I want to ride in a hot air balloon. I'm terrified of heights, but I somehow think I could do this....

Carla from The River said...

The balloon is so beautiful. I also like the scripture you shared.
Love, Carla

Nancy Chan said...

Must be exciting to see the colourful hot air balloon being inflated! Did you go up in the ballonn?

Sandi said...

Amen to that verse from James!

Beautiful balloons.

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