Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Guessing Game

This sculpture sat at a busy intersection in a nearby city. I think it almost looks like liquid silver.

Here is another horse sculpture. I walked into the Home Goods store, and there it was. It was huge, and appears to be made from wrought iron (see the header). With the ceiling lights, I had trouble getting good shots. But I wanted yo to see how BIG it is!

Now for the fun part! How much do you think he costs? Give me your guesses, and I will be back later in the weekend with the price!

“Solomon collected chariots and horses: fourteen hundred chariots and twelve thousand horses!”
2 Chronicles 1


Ann said...

WOW, he's pretty impressive. As for price, I know he's going to be VERY expensive. I'm sure he's up in the thousands of dollars but I just don't know how high to go. I'll say $3,000

Ann said...

The more I think about it, I'm sure my guess is way too low. Maybe I should make it $23,000.

Joan said...

Great horses love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am guessing 1200.00. since he is in a Home Goods, he will be expensive but not EXPENSIVE... i love the one by the road side and the one in the store needs to be by a roadside somewhere.

George said...

It probably costs much more than I can afford!

Sandi said...


I would guess $10,000, but it is at Home Goods so maybe only $900.

Unknown said...

$199.99 :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is quite the sculpture. I have no idea about the cost, except that it would be too much for me.

Hootin Anni said...

First, love horses I do. I remember when I was a youngster reading about horse sculptures of the civil hoof up, two hooves up, & all 4 on the ground. I can't remember exactly how it was but the significance was the hoof up, wounded...2 up KIA, and all 4 on the ground, the soldier survived, unfounded. Or something like that. LOVE the liquid silver sculpture & Home Goods...I'll guess 1999.99.

Hootin Anni said...

auto correct changed it to unfounded...should be unwounded.

Nancy Chan said...

The horse sculpture is beautiful! That horse will take a lot of work to put it together. I really have no idea but I know it will be very expensive.

photowannabe said...

My goodness that statue is huge...
I guess it would be nice in someone's pasture.
to answer your question from my blog, the park is a nice size, tucked away in a small town in the California foothills.
They have a lot of weddings there and large gatherings.
Mike actually has a large family but now most are married and out on their own.
Lots of work but so worth it.

Rose said...

He is amazing...not sure what I would do with something like this!

DeniseinVA said...

I am too late to join in the guessing game but they sure are magnificent sculptures. Love all those angle shots. Thanks Ginny :)

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