Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Price

Here is the price of the giant horse sculpture! I think it would have cost a lot more, but Home Goods is a discount store. Sandi is the winner, guessing the closest price as $900.00.

Yesterday at Home Goods, they had this huge carriage plant stand. I thought it was so beautiful! Too bad I forgot to look at the price.

These decorative bike plant stands were outside the store.

I don't remember where I saw this cute one.

“He also bypassed the sacrifices consisting of goat and calf blood, instead using his own blood as the price to set us free once and for all.” 
Hebrews 9


Chatty Crone said...

Wow that is a heck of a hefty price tag for a sculpture. Yikes.

Ann said...

Boy was I way off on my guess. I figured for the size it had to be outrageously high. Still, I can't imagine spending that much money on something like that. I do like the bike planter though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the are really pretty and i like the bike planter in the last one best, beautiful photos all of them.

Tamago said...

That is a beautiful horse sculpture. And wow, expensive! Well the price tag may be reasonable for this kind of sculpture but not to me for sure :-D The carriage and bike plant stands are very pretty!

Karen said...

I have seen the bicycle plant stands near the park here. There is a red white and blue one that reminds me of the Fourth of July.

Nancy Chan said...

I like both the carriage and the bike plant pretty!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I would have expected it to be much higher.

Linda said...

Such a great idea on plant stands! I want to get an old bike and paint it for one!
Thinking of and praying for you every day! Are you feeling better? We all need an update!
You are such a joy to everyone!

Ann said...

I use my childhood bike from 1957 in one of my gardens. Toto sits in the basket. I love the scripture verse today!!!

Sandi said...

I won! I won! So...are you going to send me the horse? ;-D

Weirdly, I saw another giant metal horse, two actually, on another blog just moments ago. Look:

Rose said...

I love those plant stands!

DeniseinVA said...

Goodness, this is a great collection of goodies. Loved taking my time browsing through your photos Ginny. Thank you :)

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