Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Fauxnado

Look what we saw today on our way to the grocery store. It looked like a tornado! It was changing, tightening up and getting closer to the ground. But it was a lovely day, and just a cloud formation. I said it was not a TORnado, but a FAUXnado. I don't want to EVER see a real tornado, so am glad this is as close as I have ever gotten.

“For God arrives like wildfire and his chariots like a tornado…”
Isaiah 66


crafty cat corner said...

You can't beat nature once again, I love cloud watching and Tom is really good at picking out shapes.

Ann said...

WOW that is simply amazing. I would have been panicking thinking it was a tornado. It really does look like one

Anni said...

Now THAT would freak me out.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first photo looks like Moses dividing the red sea, but in the sky, the rest really do look like a tornado. love the new word fauxnado.. amazing sky, whatever it was. with weahter on the rampage we have to watch things like this.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you know the difference - it sure looked like a tornado to me.

George said...

This is amazing. I'm glad it was a tornado!

Tamago said...

Wow, it does look like tornado! I'm so glad it's not the real one. The word fauxnado is new to me :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Your FAUXnado (love your play on words) is fascinating. I've never seen cloud formation like that before. Glad that you were looking up and may you never see a real tornado.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sure does look like a tornado.Intersting to say the least.

Shug said...

Oh my....this is gorgeous and I know you were excited to capture the shot. I probably would have been driving as far away from that thing as possible. thanks for sharing....

Nancy Chan said...

I would be worried if I see one of these because I wouldn't know the difference. I like your blog header! Happy weekend!

Sandi said...

Was it spinning?

L. D. said...

It looks to be dangerous to me. Wow.

Rose said...

It sure looks like a tornado!

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