Saturday, March 11, 2023

This n' That

 Beside having to get a new computer, both our cell phones broke and we had to get new ones. Fortunately, we got them free. Here is the pretty case I got for mine.

And here is what is already blooming around town.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Ginny Looks like spring is finally with you and the trees are beautiful Sorry I have not time to comment. I am hoping to be moving to Australia and have just put my home on the market so LOTS and LOTS to do.

DeniseinVA said...

Always seems to be the way with things breaking down. That happened to us the last time we had to get our washer replaced. Wasn’t too long after that we had to replace another appliance. That’s a pretty case and I loved all those blooms. Enjoy your Sunday :)

Sandi said...

What a beautiful phone case!

Ann said...

How pretty those trees are. It's still very winter like around here. I can't wait to start seeing signs of spring.
That phone case is really pretty. I have been wanting to get a new phone because mine has been acting as if it's possessed. Mine won't be free though so that's why I've been holding off. What kind of phone did you get?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love that picture that’s in the head or the trees are so beautiful and it makes the vehicle look absolutely stunning underneath them. All the trees are so pretty and it makes me feel happy just looking at them sunshine and flowers and trees nothing is better. It’s always the same at one things breaks something else is going to. So I’m glad you found a way to get it free and I do like the case

Carol said...

You have beautiful trees and I have snow

Jeanette said...

Looks beautiful around there!

Anni said...

Pretty!! Spring is waking up!!
Love your new phone case.

Red Rose Alley said...

The blossom trees already blooming! The pink ones are beautiful to me. They used to grace the streets in my old town. I see a few in the mountains, but not as much as the suburbs. How wonderful that you got two free phones. And it must be nice to have the new computer.

Have a peaceful Sunday, Ginny.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I like your new cell phone case. Those blossoms are lovely as well.

photowannabe said...

It seems like Murphy's Law about things breaking. Great phone case and Free phones are always fantastic.

Mari said...

I like the phone case!
I must admit that those trees make me a bit jealous. We are getting snow again today, but I know Spring is coming!

HappyK said...

The trees sure are pretty.
We are having winter weather once again. Snow showers and icy spots.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The trees are so pretty. That phone case is nice. New anything, is always nice except for having to relearn everything. I think we're good for awhile...

Chatty Crone said...

Glad you got all new items - may you enjoy them for years to come.
I have to say spring is here too - in all it's beauty.

Catherine said...

The trees are beautiful. There is one across the road which is all in bloom, I must take a picture.
Your new phone Is of a very nice colour

Linda said...

Everything from phone case to trees is just gorgeous!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Spring is looking beautiful in your neck of the woods.
How did you get free cell phones?

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for spring! And for working computers and phones. 😊❤️

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