Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Christmas 2024

 Today we celebrated Christmas with our family. It was kind of fitting that we did it on New Year's Day. The girls were thrilled with their gifts!

I got each of them a puzzle jar. It is a real jar for storage that you put together with jigsaw pieces. It is very sturdy, too. Jazz made hers while she was here.

Since Anne Marie is going to U.V.A. now, we gave our son some of their college clothes, including this hat.

Anne Marie loved it, and wanted it too. I need to get her one.

She did get a new pair of Birkenstocks though.

The guys got together to learn how to work the drone I got the girls.

Some of the aftermath.

Nest, I will show you the gifts that I got!

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr.



Barwitzki said...

It is more blessed to give than to receive...
they are such beautiful photos from your Christmas party.
All the best to you all for 2025, especially good health.
Kind regards from Viola

Ann said...

So glad you finally all got together. Looks like everyone had a great time. That jar is so cool. I've never seen anything like it. Where did you find that?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on the puzzle jar. love it and have not seen one. so glad you got to finally have your Christmas and a wonderful one it was. Happy New year

Shug said...

This looks like a wonderful celebration of Christmas, love and family. I can't believe how the girls are all growing up...and they are so pretty. Birkenstocks are a big thing and they are very comfortable. Excited to see what is in all your packages...

DeniseinVA said...

Those gifts were perfect Ginny! Your photos captured the excitement and warmth in the receiving. Perfect quote too. Thank you for sharing the joy :)

Carla from The River said...

Fun, fun memories in the making Ginny!
Love, Carla

HappyK said...

Fun times and happy memories.

photowannabe said...

Yes...indeed.... your quote at the end is absolutely right on.
What a Christmas you finally had. How fun and those gifts are wonderful. Love the happy faces.
Can't wait to see what gifts you got, Ginny.

roentare said...

That quote by H. Jackson Brown Jr. beautifully encapsulates the essence of true happiness. There's a profound joy and fulfillment that comes from giving to others, whether it’s your time, your resources, or simply your kindness

Chatty Crone said...

A very nice Christmas together - with all in attendance! Birkenstocks are a nice gift - as well as the school clothes.
The girls are growing up!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Merry Christmas!! I'm glad that you were all able to get together to celebrate and that everyone was healthy. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Great gifts!


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