Sunday, August 16, 2009

All Creation

This summer, three of us went to the Taubman Museum Of Art in Roanoke. My super smart friend, Melinda Norris, put me onto it. Thanks, Melinda! Here are some of the pictures I took. I stood in that building, and looked up and all around, and was stunned. There were amazing things in all directions. To me, good art floods the mind, fills us with wonder, and makes us think and question. I guess man has always been driven by the need to create. Think of cave paintings, the giant monoliths, Stonehenge. We are driven by a need to express ourselves and communicate. I’m thinking that God made us all with this creative need because He made us in His own image. And God himself is the ultimate creator. His canvas is the whole universe, and He flung the stars in the sky to decorate it for us. Fall leaves turn stunning colors, even as they are dying. The sky, flowers, and even insects (think butterflies) are all made by God to be beautiful. Think of other creatures, as well. Take the spider. Most of you know how afraid I am of spiders. But have you ever seen a spider’s web in the sunlight, or with dew on it? It catches it’s prey on a work of art. God did not have to make it spin webs. But He did. Creation is a strange thing. For many, it seems to get stronger and better when they are sorrowful or hurting. That’s how we got some of our greatest works of art. Are they paying a high price for it, or is this a gift that comes from their pain? Something good coming out of suffering. God created us to appreciate beauty. In Isaiah 65:18, God says “Be glad and rejoice forever in what I create.” Here I’ve paraphrased the words to one of my favorite songs, “What A wonderful World”
I see trees of green…red roses, too
I see em bloom for me and you
I see skies of blue…clouds of white
Bright blessed days…and sacred nights
I hear babies cry…I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know
And I think to myself…what a wonderful world

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