Thursday, August 6, 2009

We Have No Choice

I have always been a fan of the old folk harmony group Crosby,Stills,Nash,&Young. About 30 years ago, they wrote a song called “Carry On”. And it runs through my head from time to time. Some of the lyrics are: “Where are you going now my love? Where will you be tomorrow? Will you bring me happiness or will you bring me sorrow?” Their conclusion is: “ Rejoice, rejoice,we have no choice but to carry on. Now, the person singing the song is worried that his love will leave and then he will be sorrowful. But those of us who know the Lord, know that He is unchanging, and He’s not going anywhere. And if we love and follow Him, He will only ultimately bring us happiness. Revelations tells us that He will end our sorrow and there will be no more tears, ever. But this group was certainly right about the rejoicing part! Philippians tells us to rejoice in the lord always. 1 Peter tells us to rejoice greatly because we have an inheritance that can never perish. God has given us eternal life and says that no one can snatch us out of his hand (John 10:29) When we think of this great gift that God has given us, we just have to rejoice. We have no choice.

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