Friday, March 8, 2013

A Dragon For Our Time

Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.  ~G.K. Chesterton

Welcome to the blog of a real dragon - The Bearded Dragon! They are very popular now and I have been seeing them in several places. PetSmart, the natural history museum, even the children's bouncy place! They are from Australia, and when they are threatened, they fluff out their spiky beard. They will also run standing up on their back legs, a funny sight indeed. They come in many different colors and pastels, even lavender. And here is the real kicker, they make great pets!! I need to ask my cats what they think about this. Next time you are in your local pet store, keep an eye out.

“…lizards—easy enough to catch, but they sneak past vigilant palace guards.”
Proverbs 30


Unknown said...

He looks very quiet and handsome :)

SquirrelQueen said...

The one in your header is a very handsome fellow. I have always liked the bearded dragons and considered getting one as a pet at one time. But now I don't think it would feel very safe with all these cats (like your house Ginny) around.

DawnTreader said...

He does look rather dragon-like :)

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE THIS Ginny!!!! I'm always for a good tale of lore, and usually coming with a happy ending. Great photos

Alice said...

He's so cute. I love the Chesterton quote, too.

From the Kitchen said...

I'm showing this to Oliver. He needs a playmate!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i saw one in the petting zoo 4 years ago and petted it. my first ever viewing of one, i did not know they have them for sale here, these are beautiful in your photos, love the header shot all that detail.. they really are adorable in person.

Rose said...

Lorelei would be fascinated! She really loves all nature already.

Dee said...

God is truly a unique artist. Love the color of this little guy.

Chatty Crone said...

No wonder people are afraid of dragons - not to pretty of a creature is he - well I guess to some he is...sandie

Filip and Kristel said...

These are indeed dragons, love the first yellow one.


Ruth Kelly said...

Not a pet in my home! Ugh. I can look at them afar and be enticed.

photowannabe said...

We're doing a chapter of Proverbs a day in our Small Group Bible Study. Haven't arrived at Prov. 30 yet so I had to look up your verse quote.
That's quite awesome.
Love the photos of the bearded dragon.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are colourful but I really don't think I want one as a pet.

Marie said...

That's one pet we will never have. They have so much detail and I can see it well in your pics. Really cool!

LV said...

I will take your word on these fellows and leave them be. That is not the kind of pet I would like. So glad you are doing better. Take care.

LV said...

I will take your word on these fellows and leave them be. That is not the kind of pet I would like. So glad you are doing better. Take care.

Linda said... these, Ginny! I love lizards. :)

Ann said...

He is a very interesting looking creature. Even though they may be very popular pets I think I'll stick with a dog :)

Tamago said...

At Petsmart? Seriously? I gotta check! They look a bit scary but beautiful too. I would love to see how your kitties would react if you bring the bearded dragon to home :-)

Arti said...

I would be very scared to get close to that!! I am not very courageous in that way!
Have a nice sunday Ginny :)

Shug said...

I would have been skeered (Texas language) just to have been looking at the thing...Hey, your header is the rich colors.

Anonymous said...

the only thing I can think to say is I'm so very glad they aren't 6 feet long!I really don't like lizards, or snakes, but my grandson does, I don't wish them ill, I just don't like them, lol,

Bobbie said...

I could never own a lizard... they would freak me out for some reason. Now, you're cats might have some fun with them.. Phil should have got you one for your birthday.. haha! Hope you're having a good Sunday Ginny.

Mary Bergfeld said...

And to think I thought I'd seen everything:-). I loved the quote. Have a wonderful weekend, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Catherine said...

I think I would like looking at this guy better in the pet store rather than my house. ;)
He is a pretty color though!

Annie Jeffries said...

I saw a beard dragon late last summer at a street fair. He was part of a wild life animal rescue display. He was so awesome. I loved touching him. Wanted to hold him but I would have no doubt come away with scraps and scratches. They aren't mean but their hide is very well protected from predators (if you know what I mean).

LC said...

Beautiful photos but just looking makes me shiver. I think if I ever become a pet owner again it will be a warm-blooded rescue animal!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love the color of this one! Tt did look like a dragon in the close up photo!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I think he's beautiful!!!!

George said...

I think I'll let you adopt one of these dragons, if the cats approve. I do like your photos, however.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It does look like a real dragon:)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the header pic...such detail! Wow, he's an interesting creature. I'd love to see him run on his hind legs!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are beautiful and so unusual.

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