Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nosing Around

Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level. ~ Max L. Forman

First, I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all your well wishes and prayers!! They really did mean a LOT. So I thought I would give you a little update on my health.  This is a miracle and helped a LOT!!
And while still having lingering side effects, I am feeling lots better. But the artery busted in my nose again, bleeding four times in 12 hours! The E.R. has been threatening to do this:
Which is cauterizing, a primitive form of burning my nose until I smell like human barbeque. My own doctor has the same nosebleeds, he was cauterized and said it is horribly painful. Thanks doc! I imagine that afterwards my nose would feel like this
So I am doing what he tells me to avoid having the procedure, though there are no guarantees. After a bleed, my nose feels kind of like this
all drained of blood. What I really want is to return to looking like this
In my more feverish moments, I actually made you a nose kaleidoscope, thought it was too tacky, then re thought and posted it anyway!
Thanks for indulging me today. All pictures are mine except the two torture implements.

Jesus commented, “…If you walk around with your nose in the air, you’re going to end up flat on your face, but if you’re content to be simply yourself, you will become more than yourself.”


Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are so funny... Love your 'crazy' photos!!! Made me laugh outloud... Hope you don't have to have the BBQ job done on your nose. YIPES...

Glad you are better...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good to see you can still have fun even when you're not feeling 100%.Hope they don't need to do that procedure.

Annie Jeffries said...

You are so funny, Miss G. I love your upbeat attitude. What will be will be. Just do as your told and hopefully, you will have the best possible outcome - no hominid bbq.

Jeanne said...

Oh my, you are so creative with your pictures! That's hilarious! I would do everything possible to keep from having that procedure. Sounds awful!! Good Luck!

Karin said...

Glad you're feeling much improved - enough to poke fun at yourself! Ewwwwww on the cauterization procedure - hope you don't need to have that done! Take care!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Well you must be feeling better Ginny, your sense of humor is running at full throttle. I love your funny faces. Hopefully you will never have to go through the torture treatment.

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny! You are back to your humorous self!! Welcome back to blogging world.. hahaha...

Hootin Anni said...

This is all new to me...never heard of a nose being cauterized. Even thinking of the procedure sounds painful!!!
Love your sense of humor, and hope that what you are doing for now does the trick and keeps you out of the ER!!

S. Etole said...

It's good to see you here again but I hope you can get by without having this done!

RoeH said...

I had my nose cauterized just last year because of the first nosebleed in my whole life and it lasted off and on for five days. I NEVER want to have a nosebleed again!!!!!!!! So I'm very thankful for the cauterization. It wasn't bad except that you had to sit very still. For about an hour. (No silly - it actually was about 45 seconds but it seemed that long.)


Alice said...

I like your sense of humor about all this, Ginny!

Unknown said...

Love your crazy pictures. Feel better soon.

From the Kitchen said...

You are such a "hoot" even when feeling poorly! I hope you get well without being "tortured". Take care, my friend.


Parsley said...

Wonky photos! I do hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

you still have your funny bone intact, please do what they say so you don't have to be torched!

Chatty Crone said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing - only you would do that. My grandson's have pictures of me like that but there is no way I'm putting mine on there!

Seriously though - I hope and pray that your nose stops bleeding and I hope also that you feel better.

Love, sandie

Shug said...

So happy that you are feeling better..That flu bug has been around here for a few weeks and our grandkids have felt terrible...I know it's harder on us the older we get..
love the crazy sweet husband loves to play with all those apps. Thank you for emailing me with such useful information. Take care Ginny and I hope you bounce back fast..

MadSnapper said...

laughed all the way through and then laughed LOUDLY when I read the scripture. PERFECT... and i like the last nose best of all... glad you decided to post it.... Ipad pics or cell phone pics or laptop pics, which did you use. I am not laughing at your nose bleeds, on that subject i am running in circles shouting BWAK BWAK BWAK

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL I love the nose kaleidoscope! Cauterizing sounds awful - I hope it doesn't come to that.

Neal said...

You must be feeling better. :) My wife had to have her nose cauterized one time but I think they done it with chemicals.

Ruth Kelly said...

Hope you are on the mend.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So good to hear from you...your pics describe the feeling very well:) Hope you get better and better

DawnTreader said...

You have a great gift in your sense of humour, my friend!

Ann said...

Well your sense of humor isn't suffering that's for I loved your pictures but sorry you had to feel that way. I think your nose kaleidoscope is quite creative

Marie said...

You've got me cracking up! I'm so happy you're better, but I hope you get to 100% soon!

Rose said...

Glad you are feeling better...on top of everything else, I came down with a cold while still at Sarah's...was there a week. I actually feel like I am on the mend now...just hoping and praying they don't get it.

Dee said...

Humor in misery....LOL I hope your poor nose returns to it's former beauty.

Linda said...

Love your sense of humour, Ginny! The photos are hilarious. Continuing prayers for a quick recovery. Hugs.

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