Friday, March 15, 2013

What Lies Beneath

Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.  ~Author Unknown

It is always good to look up, so we are told and I agree. But as I get older and more off balance, I need to look down when I walk. And I pass by some very interesting things this way. Especially creatures of all kinds taking refuge under cars. I suppose cars keep them dry in the rain, warm in the wind, and hidden from predators. But not from me and my camera.

 “God, you’re my refuge. I trust in you and I’m safe!” That’s right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you’re perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, Not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon.”
Psalm 91


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are truly amazing to me, i need to start looking down, i walk looking up or straight out, this makes me wonder what I am missing. there is so much to SEE we only process a small part of it. thanks for the idea...

From the Kitchen said...

...and sometimes you find money!!


Unknown said...

I like these photos, you never know whats lies beneath that is so true. Enjoy your weekend!

Karin said...

Looking up, looking down, looking both ways is always a good plan. One never knows what surprises and delights one might find, and what dangers one might avoid! Good to catch up on your blog today before I head out into the blizzard to shop for a few groceries and head back home quickly! I'm sure that pink room is your little sweetheart's delight - but at my age pink makes me think - of Pepto-Bismal - no offense intended!! Loved the Morning Glory place!

Filip and Kristel said...

That's why a cat have 9 lives.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I always have to look DOWN when I'm hiking since I have a fear of falling. SO--I have to see where I'm going... George always tells me that I'm missing alot when I'm looking down... SO--I'll have to tell him that I SEE alot by looking down. Right???? ha

There may be peace without joy, and joy without peace,
but the two combined make happiness. John Buchan

Connie said...

Hi Ginny,
Amen!!! Your blog is always so up lifting, thank you :)
In regard to the comment you left on my blog: Yesterday I notice my little poppies starting to pop up from the ground in my backyard. They are those little bright yellow ones that bloom most of the summer. We are still having freezing weather at night but your days are starting to reach the low 50's . . . Spring is on the way . . . Happy. happy, happy . . . it is so good to feel the warm sunshine :)
Have a wonderful day:)
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Chatty Crone said...

I am with you Ginny - I look up, but after I look down at where I am going. Ever see the picture of mamma bird with her two chicks under her wings. God is like that too. And I suppose cars are that that for other critters. sandie

Jeanne said...

Poor little animals having to take shelter under a vehicle!
I find myself watching the ground more as I get older too. Then I have to wonder what
I'm missing up in the trees!

Hootin Anni said...

First off, the guardian angle quotation is superb Ginny. And your collection of 'what lies beneath'...gotta love 'em all.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I get nervous when animals hide under vehicles. I have seen and experienced too many mishaps from this.

Ann said...

your camera always finds the most interesting things no matter which way you point it

Annie Jeffries said...

Outstanding, Ginny. When life puts you off balance take a new path to staying upright. LOL Forgive my bad pun.

Love the little discoveries you made along the way.

Linda said...

Wow....great photos. Thanks so much for sharing this, Ginny.

S. Etole said...

Such interesting shots through a different perspective.

Rose said...

What a great post...interesting things!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, so many critters under the cars. I should start looking down too. Wonderful series!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Isn't that balance thing the pits:-) I've seen the cracks in a lot of sidewalks, Ginny. I fixed the broken link. You should be able to see the "farls" post that caught your interest. Have a great day.Blessings...Mary

Tamago said...

How interesting you can find so many creatures under the car. I hope them to be careful when the car moves. I's a great quote by unknown author!

Unknown said...

Ginny, you've found the best stuff looking down! I love the way you see things that so many others miss!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea there was so much going on under all the cars. Maybe I need to look down a little more often.

momto8 said...

what photos! the stuff under our cars can be very dangerous...balls, sleds, bats, kids cell phones...

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