Saturday, March 23, 2013


Hi everyone, this is Sunny & Cher, and we are taking over mom's blog today. Since it is the sabbath, we thought we would give her a rest. And also campaign for our cause! We think we are being treated unfairly! See all these bruises on mommy's legs? Mommy claims that WE did it! She says that when she adopted us she was ready for almost anything, except being jumped on unawares all the time. She claims that in the last bruise picture, you can clearly see the paw print. She has more bruises on her tummy, but she spared you from seeing these as she did not want you to vomit on a Sunday. This is hogwash, we would never be so rude! We think she is bumping into things and forgetting, then blaming it on us! We are sweet and perfect in every way. So we leave the verdict to you, dear readers, and I think mommy will believe your totally unbiased opinion, MEOW!!

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Isaiah 54


SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, you two look so sweet. You would never sneak up on your Mommy and pounce on her now would you. That does look suspiciously like a paw print however. At least you two don't pounce with your claws out like a certain little kitty I know.

Happy Sunday!

Ann said...

While I have known cats who do such things you two do look fairly innocent. However, I do think that the last bruise is quite incriminating. Perhaps there are neighbor kitties sneaking in and doing this in an attempt to frame you? :)

Neal said...

Not look innocent to me. :)

From the Kitchen said...

On you two cute kitties!! I know you are innocent. I think your mommy might be getting into street fights or brawls at the super market and blaming it on you two.


Anonymous said...

such beautiful cats, wow, they are lovely, the bruises are not lovely, that's very painful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

who knew beauty could be dangerous... tell your mommy, i have bruises all over my legs and the cat did not do them the dog did with a WAGGING tale.. we call his tale lethal weapon. but the thing is my bruise does not LOOK like a tail/cat paw and yours does. the evidence is clear to me, that you are both guilty as charged. your sentence is to contine living with mommy and doing your thing no matter what we think.

Anni said...

All I can say to you two is we have two ourselves, and Tahoe, the black tabby has been nicknamed The Ninja 'cause she's always trying to trip us in the dark. And then, Winston, the White Phantom, tries to camouflage himself on light colored objects so we don't see him and then, jumps out at every chance he gets.

So, tho innocent you two look, I'd say mom is either a klutz or you two are always innocent until proven guilty. The photos are just hearsay...your trial will be overruled and you're set free. No bail either.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Dear Sunny and Cher, I'm sure--with those sweet faces--that you two are innocent. You couldn't possibly do anything wrong...

Mama has been hitting the bottle too much lately --and blaming it on your two. Shame on her!!!!! har har har


Filip and Kristel said...

They are beautiful but can also be hard as I see.


Linda said...

Well, Sunny and Cher, you are both lovely. Not guilty. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You two look so sweet and innocent that it would be hard to convict you of these crimes. But, the paw print tells the tale! Poor Mom shouldn't get so bruised, you two are going to have to behave yourselves!! So be good and don't pounce so hard, okay? I'll let you off this time with a warning. Next time...well. Treats might have to be withheld at the very least.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh Ginny - I was just wondering how you were with the cats. If it wasn't so sad - I would be laughing my head off - they darn cats! lol


PS I hope you are okay.

Rose said...

In this country, we are innocent until proven otherwise...LOL

Marie said...

I always have a bruise or two from one of our four pets! Yours look bad, Ginny! I hope they calm down as they get older. :)

Annie Jeffries said...

I hear that 101 Dalmations song going through my head. You know, the one that goes -

We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don't please.
Here we are overlooking our new domicile. If we like it maybe we will stay awhile.

Hootin Anni said...

PS...Ginny, I just read your comment you left for me on Hootin' Anni's, and I had to go out to Google and do a Search for Nanci Griffith. Wow...this is what I found:


Donna said...

Hi Miz Ginny!!
Oooouch!! Those bruises look sore!
But! Seeing those incredibly sweet kitty faces...I must pause and deliberate upon my verdict...Hahaaa...
Seriously, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment!
Have a sweet day!

Optimistic Existentialist said...


Sunny and Cher are adorable!

Tamago said...

Oh Sunny and Cher! You are both super cute and sweet! I know you are too sweet to give her bruises! The paw shaped bruise is bit suspicious but it must be just a coincidence...hehehe. I hope the bruises will go away soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I just am wild about the kitties. Sorry that you got bumped and bruised by them. It does happen. Hoping you have a good day and will heal-up soon!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Pretty hard to place blame on those sweet faces!

momto8 said...

beautiful cats..not beautiful; bruises!!

S. Etole said...

They look mighty innocent ... sorta.

Dee said...

You do look innocent but the proof is pretty plain to me that you two are guilty LOL.

Karin said...

I should let you two know that I'm not swayed in my judgement of you by your outward beautiful appearance. If mom hired me I'd set up hidden cameras to document your violent attacks on her and then we'd see you in court!! Besides, you make me sneeze and I'd probably lock you in the basement! LOL!

So sorry you bruise so easily Ginny!

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