Thursday, August 15, 2013

Anne Marie As You've Never Seen Her!

Anne Marie has been taking tap and ballet classes, and a few months ago, the class had their big spring recital. It was the biggest dance recital in town, and it lasted almost FOUR hours! A bit too much, especially since they would not allow the dancers any snacks or water behind stage. The teachers were very strict, and every single dancer HAD to have their hair pulled back with a bun, no bangs, and lots of makeup so the back rows could see their faces. It rather shocked me to see her this way!
She danced so well! But see these two pictures of the curtain call? She had dropped her earring, and was so upset. She didn't know whether to pick it up or keep bowing.
There were so many kids that I don't think anyone noticed it at all, and here she is afterwards with Phil, holding her well deserved flowers. Way to GO, almost every single one of you guessed right!

Dancing is wonderful training for girls, it's the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it.  ~Christopher Morley, Kitty Foyle

“David replied to Michal, “In God’s presence I’ll dance all I want! He chose me over your father and the rest of our family and made me prince over God’s people, over Israel. Oh yes, I’ll dance to God’s glory—more recklessly even than this.”



From the Kitchen said...

She's beautiful!! Four hours is a long time for a young child to go with food or a snack.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is so beautiful with her hair pulled back. four hours is way to much for the kids and for the people watching. and i notice the children do not look happy... they should be smiling and joyful...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny She looks lovely My grand daughter on th I.O.W. where I am going tomorrow, loves ballet. She is 13 and is very keen and I have seen her in shows which were wonderful but not 4 hours long. Probably will not be commenting while I am away on my hols but still hope I have time to pot. Have a great weekend.

Alice said...

What fun! She looks so pretty.

RoeH said...

I'm not in agreement with the makeup that these dance classes put on little girls. My granddaughter takes dance ... she's five. Mom sent some pictures recently and seriously -she looks like a hooker. They do not need that much make up. The back row can see them perfectly well without that. And they don't allow them water for four hours? Not smart.

But - she is adorable and these are cute pictures.

Rose said...

So sweet! That is a long time for them to have to be is a long time for parents to sit through also.

Anonymous said...

she is a beauty, such a little sweet heart looking so forlorn about the earring,

Chatty Crone said...

She was so beautiful! And so serious. I know she did well. The girls get really serious about dance don't they? I hope she has fun. sandie

DawnTreader said...

Wow, that's one long performance...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Dance is a good training for these young ladies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Glad she did well and enjoyed the dancing. Good discipline and physical education for girls and boys, too. Have a wonderful day and a really nice weekend!

Shug said...

Morning Ginny. Oh my....she is certainly do have a sweetie there. Grandchildren are the best!
Hope your day is a great one

Marie said...

She's beautiful! I can't believe they couldn't drink water! My son would have been freaking out, that's a long time.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Four hours does seem harsh. She was beautiful!

Ps...I have been to Zion and adored it. I want to return someday.

Annie Jeffries said...

Just beautiful, Ginny. Kris studied dance until she was 12 or 13. Then she moved on to other things. I have the same pulled back hair and lots of make up pictures. They are classics.

Tamago said...

Anne Marie is very beautiful! It is different and very lovely look of her with her hair pulled back. And she is very pretty dancer. I wonder if she wants to become a dancer when she grows up :-)

Melanie said...

She is so cute! That's a long recital! Wow! So, did she get her earring back? :-)

S. Etole said...

She is beginning to look so grown up already. Such a beautiful little girl.

Linda said...

She is beautiful, Ginny! Lovely photos.

Ruth Kelly said...

She is beautiful and how fun for her to be dancing. I loved dancing as a kid and as a grown up kid.

Dee said...

I am sure she did a great job and is a beautiful ballerina.

George said...

I'm sure Anne Marie did a great job and that she appreciated the flowers.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, in the time I have known you here in the blog world I have watched Anne Marie grow into a very beautiful young lady. And a talented one at that. You all must be very proud of her.

Four hours is way too long for children to got without water or a snack especially with all that activity.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

She's so adorable! I hope she got her earring back. Dancing is so much fun, but 4 hours sounds a little long!

Claire said...

Indeed she looks so sweetband adorable... Hope her earring can be found and returned to her...

Mary Bergfeld said...

That beautiful "baby" is going to be a gorgeous woman, Ginny. How fortunate you all were able to find each other. She is thriving in the circle of love you all have formed around her. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

Jeanne said...

What a beautiful little dancer! I know you must be so proud! My daughters went through a few recitals but I don 't think any were 4 hours. Wow!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos of your precious granddaughter. She is such a beauty!!!!! I know you all are proud of her.

Filip and Kristel said...

These are excellent pictures and memories for the future.



 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...