Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Who are all these people peeking and what are they peeking at? Any guesses? You will have to wait till my next post to see. I think they are pretty cute, and the red curtain was stunning! Now tell me, was there ever a time you got caught peeking at something? When I was a little girl, I got out of bed and tiptoed halfway down the steps to hide and watch I Love Lucy with the adults.

“But Jesus, with a loud cry, gave his last breath. At that moment the Temple curtain ripped right down the middle. When the Roman captain standing guard in front of him saw that he had quit breathing, he said, “This has to be the Son of God!”
Mark 15


pembrokeshire lass said...

Well caught! I just think that's so lovely....lucky you had your camera at the ready!

From the Kitchen said...

I think they are little dancers peeking out at the audience attending their recital. Too cute!


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I guess that they are members of a play and they are peeking at the audience :)

Alice said...

What cute pictures. I love the story about you watching I Love Lucy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking your granddaughter is in a ballet recital and you are waiting for the curtain to go up...i love the last shot with the slippers showing. to cute they were all peeking out.
when i was 8 I dug into the closet and peeked in the suitcase and found my Christmas doll a month before Christmas. after that mother locked the suitcases. that is where she hid our presents to keep me from peeking

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Yes i think it is the curtain at the theatre and at least some of the children are going to do ballet. very cute. and as you are there, some of them are probably your grandchildren. great shots.

LC said...

i'm with your readers who are guessing that the peekeres are baby ballerinas.

Rose said...

Oh, I do like these so much...I was thinking granddaughter, too.

Tamago said...

My guess is this is part of the play!
Your episode of peeking I Love Lucy is very cute :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ballet! I bet you have some cute pics coming up.

George said...

These are cute pictures. I think they are children peeking at the audience before the curtain goes up on a play or performance.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm thinking, like the others, that you are at a recital or play where your grand is performing. Cute pix!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like they could have something to do with Ballet.

Linda said...

Great captures, Ginny! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like you are sitting waiting to see some kind of children's play/drama/concert/recital...

I used to wake up REALLY early on Christmas morning and peek downstairs to see what Santa had brought me....


Dee said...

Great photo's. The little peeker looks familiar:) and I do believe it is a ballet recital

LV said...

Could be watching a stage performance or the stars getting ready to perform.

Ann said...

that last picture looks like someone is wearing ballet slippers. hmmm. interesting. :)
I used to sneak into the hallway and peek around the corner to watch tv when I was supposed to be in bed. I think I got caught once or

Chatty Crone said...

I am wondering if it is ballet. Sorry I am so late this week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Kidlets at a ballet recital or some other children;s show. Have a great Friday tomorrow and a very nice weekend!

Annie Jeffries said...

You are brilliant Ginny. You sure know how to catch of moment.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh, that is so cute to see them peeking under the curtain.

Sorry I haven't been around, I had a spay/neuter event this week and it made for a really hectic week.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...